Big Data Analytics
Sricharan Vadapalli | VP and Head Data Monetization | SuneratechWhat is Big Data Analytics?
You may be curious about a Career in Big Data Analytics. Understanding Why one wants to choose a Career in Big Data Analytics is phenomenally more important than figuring out How to get into Big Data Analytics. It is best to learn about Big Data Analytics from a real professional, this is akin to getting it from the horse's mouth.
VP and Head Data Monetization Sricharan Vadapalli is an experienced professional with 7 years & 7 months in Big Data Analytics. VP and Head Data Monetization Sricharan Vadapalli describes Big Data Analytics as:
Big Data analytics is the often complex process of examining large and varied data sets from multiple sources called big data to uncover valuable business information including hidden patterns, unknown correlations, market trends and customer preferences that can help organisations derive informed business intelligence and decisions.
How VP and Head Data Monetization Sricharan Vadapalli got into Big Data Analytics?
I joined IT MNC from college and worked for a Product Company for 8 years mostly in USA. I have also worked with MNC's and Startups. . I am currently working with Sunera Tech as VP and Practice Head of Data Monetization ( Analytics, Machine Learning, Devops on Cloud). My books are on DevOps, Big Data and successful Relationships. Learning was my passion, I am certified SAP Hana consultant also certified in PMP, ITIL, OCA, INS21, FP, In Memory, I was always passionate about data and its value at the enterprise level hence I found my way into Big data Analytics. I have authored books on DevOps, Bigdata and relationships.
VP and Head Data Monetization Sricharan Vadapalli's Talk on Big Data Analytics |
Starts with what is: | |
1) | Big Data Analytics |
Next, it covers Education. In this Talk Education was discussed as theoretical topics needed to excel at Big Data Analytics, and not as Qualifications needed to enter Big Data Analytics. Here is a list of Education items required for Big Data Analytics: | |
2) | Data Lifecycle Management |
3) | Data Integration |
4) | Data Modelling |
5) | Reports & Dashboards |
6) | Software & Tools |
Then, the Talk focuses on the most important component that is Skills. Sills and success in Big Data Analytics go hand in hand. One needs to get a hold of essential skills. Here is a list of Skills required for Big Data Analytics: | |
7) | Analytical Skills |
8) | Statistical Skills |
9) | Domain Expertise |
10) | Marketing Skills |
11) | Programming Skills |
Positives of Big Data Analytics are quite interesting. The Talk discusses following Positives of Big Data Analytics: | |
12) | Always in Demand |
13) | Monetary Potential |
14) | Always Learning |
15) | Better Money Investments |
There are a few Challenges in Big Data Analytics which one needs to be cognizant of: | |
16) | Knowing Every Aspect |
17) | Data Volume |
18) | Knowledge Up-dation |
19) | Outdated Systems |
In the final section of the Talk, Sricharan Vadapalli talks about How a day goes in a Career in: | |
20) | Product Management |
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How to get into
Big Data Analytics?
If you are want to get into Big Data Analytics, start by investing in a Career Plan.
The 14 hour process, guided by a LifePage Career Advisor, will help you introspect and check whether your interest in Big Data Analytics is merely an infatuation or is it truly something you wish to do for the rest of your life.
Next, your Career Advisor will help you document how you can get into Big Data Analytics, what education and skills you need to succeed in Big Data Analytics, and what positives and challenges you will face in Big Data Analytics.
Finally, you will get a Career Plan stating which Courses, Certifications, Trainings and other Items you need to do in the next 7 years to become world’s best in Big Data Analytics.
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Next: your Advisor helps you figure out how you will get into your chosen Career and how will you develop the skills needed for success in your Chosen Career.
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Links for this Talk
VP and Head Data Monetization Sricharan Vadapalli's LifePage:
LifePage Career Talk on Big Data Analytics
[Full Talk]
(Big Data Analytics, Sricharan Vadapali, Pyramid Solutions, Practice Head, Data Analytics, Data Interpretation, Data Analysis, Modeling Data)
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