Nora Elizabeth Ibarra | Biochemist | Clinical Biochemistry LabWhat is Biochemistry?
There are many nuances of a Career in Biochemistry. Internet is brimming with pages on How to get into Biochemistry, while one should first understand What is a Career in Biochemistry. The most authoritative source of information on Biochemistry is someone with real experience in it.
Biochemist Nora Elizabeth Ibarra is an experienced professional with 19 years & 3 months in Biochemistry. Here is how Biochemist Nora Elizabeth Ibarra detailed Biochemistry:
Biochemistry is a profession very related to medicine, in fact the doctor, to give a diagnosis, depends on our work. It is closely related to the biological sciences and the exact sciences. A clinical biochemist, which is my case, what it does is to determine, by means of chemical reactions in the laboratory, different studies to help the doctor give an exact diagnosis.
How Biochemist Nora Elizabeth Ibarra got into Biochemistry?
I studied at the UNT. I have worked independently in my laboratory for 22 years. I also work in a locality in the interior of Tucumán in the clinical and bacteriological area. I always do national and regional conferences and actualization, usually at least two a year, and that allows me to update and improve my knowledge to then apply it in my profession.
Biochemist Nora Elizabeth Ibarra's Talk on Biochemistry |
Starts with what is: | |
1) | Biochemistry |
Next, it covers Education. In this Talk Education was discussed as theoretical topics needed to excel at Biochemistry, and not as Qualifications needed to enter Biochemistry. It defines Education in terms of following items for Biochemistry: | |
2) | Exact Sciences |
3) | Anatomy |
4) | Computer Science |
Then, the Talk focuses on the most important component that is Skills. Sills and success in Biochemistry go hand in hand. One needs to get a hold of essential skills. Here is a list of Skills required for Biochemistry: | |
5) | Empathy |
6) | Concentration |
7) | Logical Thinking |
8) | Responsibility |
9) | Working Alone |
Positives of Biochemistry are quite interesting. This Talk defines Positives in terms of following items for Biochemistry: | |
10) | Satisfaction |
11) | Personal Growth |
12) | Constant Improvements |
13) | International Relationships |
14) | Job Diversity |
Challenges define Biochemistry as much as the Positives of the same: | |
15) | Initial Investment |
16) | Little Recognition |
17) | Competition |
18) | Professional Ethics |
19) | Demanding Career |
In the final section of the Talk, Nora Elizabeth Ibarra talks about How a day goes in a Career in: | |
20) | Hard Work |
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How to get into
If you are want to get into Biochemistry, start by investing in a Career Plan.
The 14 hour process, guided by a LifePage Career Advisor, will help you introspect and check whether your interest in Biochemistry is merely an infatuation or is it truly something you wish to do for the rest of your life.
Next, your Career Advisor will help you document how you can get into Biochemistry, what education and skills you need to succeed in Biochemistry, and what positives and challenges you will face in Biochemistry.
Finally, you will get a Career Plan stating which Courses, Certifications, Trainings and other Items you need to do in the next 7 years to become world’s best in Biochemistry.
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Links for this Talk
Biochemist Nora Elizabeth Ibarra's LifePage:
LifePage Career Talk on Biochemistry
[Full Talk]
(Biochemistry, Nora Elizabeth Ibarra, Exact Sciences, Clinical, Doctor)
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