Start anywhere anytime

There is no interview and no selection process. You can start your virtual internship whenever you want from anywhere in the world. However, please note that the kind of certificate you will get at the end of your virtual internship will depend on your performance.
Flexible Duration

Your virtual internship will end automatically in 30 days. However, if you meet the minimum performance criteria before 30 days, you will have the option to extend your internship by another 30 days. Your final certificate will show your start date and final end date.
Start-up Experience

Ivy League colleges in US and top companies like Google and Facebook value start-up experience much more than traditional work experience. This is not without reason. In a small start-up you get to experience much more and learn much more compared to working for a larger organization where you are a very small part of a very large system.
LifePage Advantage

We are a Dehradun based Start Up incorporated as a Lifepage Private Limited on 4 August 2016 and we are recognized as a Start Up by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Government of India.
In 2019, we were shortlisted amongst top 10 start-ups in India:

Make Money

LifePage evolved out of a social initiative to help people with their Career decisions, so most of our resources are free. Your role will involve understanding these free resources and convincing people to use them. However, if your efforts lead to revenues for LifePage then you will be paid as well.
Virtual Internship Sign Up
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You will receive an email confirming the start of your virtual internship and details about the system you will be using during your virtual internship.
Once your virtual internship is over, you will receive your Certificate via email.