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LifePage Testimonials

Each Career Plan is created after 14 hours of joint efforts by the Career Advisor and the Candidate. The result as expected is 100% clarity on all aspects of one's Career.

LifePage Career Plan

14 hour personalized guidance program

[ Testimonial 1 / 197 ]
School # 1 | College # 0 | Working # 0
Utkarsh Singh Rathore | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page provided me the opportunity to discover various career opportunities from the comfort of my home. They provided a clear cut layout regarding each and every profession that I wanted to know more about and helped me to clear out my mind. I would say that before I had opted for the program, I was pretty unclear about the road ahead and would have gone with the flow had LifePage not been there. It is a very comprehensive approach to pick what career works for you as each and every minute detail is considered regarding any career.

I absolutely loved my experience with my mentor Vishakha ma'am and I am really thankful to her for the clarity that she has given to me. She came up with the career plan very carefully, specially catering to my needs and also adding her experience and knowledge to the mix. I am also really thankful to Kapil sir for coming up with a platform that provides, people like me, an insight to a vast majority of careers and help me find out what excites me. My favourite part of each career talk was 'A Day Of'. It describes the actual schedule of the professionals in a particular field and tells us that how a regular day goes in their lives. I would recommend LifePage to each and every individual who is in a state of doubt regarding what to do in their lives in terms of their professional life and seek expert advice from one of the best in the business. Thank you LifePage :)

LifePage Career Advisor

Utkarsh Singh Rathore | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 2 / 197 ]
School # 2 | College # 0 | Working # 0
Gunpreet Kaur | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

LifePage : My journey with LifePage has been exceptionally important to me because the knowledge I gained from this platform and the decisions I have made on that basis , is going to form the crux of my upcoming future . It was a very satisfactory experience which taught me that every decision in life needs to be thought upon with utmost sincerity and effort . In the midst of confusion and chaos regarding my career , my LifePage advisor, Ma'am Vishakha's encouraging and informative sessions were an absolute bliss. She was not only understanding , but was also very patient with me while I explored the various career options . She has been a wonderful guide to me and I will always cherish that .

I am also thankful to Sir Kapil Rawat for creating such a student-friendly and informative platform to assist students in choosing the best career for themselves . It was very knowledgeable and astounding experience . I would totally recommend LifePage to every person out there who is confused or unsure about their career .

LifePage Career Advisor

Gunpreet Kaur | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 3 / 197 ]
School # 3 | College # 0 | Working # 0
Jahnavi Manapuram | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

LifePage is a very informative and wonderful app. It has videos of professionals who explain and list down the pros and cons of their profession, the path to follow, what to expect etc.

It is true that many never know the 'What' or 'Why?' of their career choice, this app has given me a well detailed insight of the field I wished to pursue and answered my What and Why questions. The app also allows us to know exactly how eligible we are for a given profession, I found this feature very helpful to recognize my abilities and drawbacks and to work on them.

The journey is guided by a friendly career counselor who has helped me explore and understand the various aspects of different professions. After I chose my profession the app lets us plan our path, this in my opinion is very necessary and important and the app has done it beautifully.
There were no drawbacks or mishaps.

I enjoyed exploring and understanding different fields and now I'm feeling very confident of my career choice. Thank you LifePage Team.

LifePage Career Advisor

Jahnavi Manapuram | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 4 / 197 ]
School # 4 | College # 0 | Working # 0
Jahnvi Singh | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I got to know about this app from an advertisement on my mom’s phone and usually I skip these ads but I don’t know why I didn’t skip it and u know what I am glad that I didn’t because through this I haven’t only known what I am interested in but also how I will pursue it. It’s very nice nd innovative to come up with something like this. I’d like to congratulate the entire Lifepage team for doing what they are doing.

What to say about Mamta ma’am. I have always desired for a good mentor in my life and all thanks to Lifepage for giving me Mamta ma’am .She is a patient, knowledgeable and a very supportive person. I am sure now that if she can counsel me successfully then she can counsel anybody and her positive attitude makes her a good mentor and counselor as well. I know that the sessions are about to end but in future whenever I will take the steps given in my career plan I will, for sure, thank her and Lifepage for giving a clarity in my life. Once more thanks to Lifepage and a specially to Mamta ma’am.

LifePage Career Advisor

Jahnvi Singh | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 5 / 197 ]
School # 4 | College # 0 | Working # 1
Pankaj Dixit | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Lifepage is a structured approach to develop one’s career plan. It is a fine balance of vast flexibility to explore the enormous career choices available and having step by step defined processes to describe one’s definite career plan. The availability of the variety of career talks is impressive and I am astounded at the speed at which new talks are being added every day.

Kapil has been an outstanding mentor. Being the founder of LifePage, he is, of course, the best source to get the values and philosophy behind the initiative. However, his patient explanation of each step in detail is what makes him special as a mentor. He is full of energy and shows a high drive to walk-through the entire process. Kapil is respectful and professional at the same time. He is very approachable and punctual. His advisor tips and explanations are timely and helpful. He listens patiently and is open to different ideas and contrary views. He shows sensitivity and understands others’ perspectives.

LifePage Career Advisor

Pankaj Dixit | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 6 / 197 ]
School # 4 | College # 0 | Working # 2
Megha Gupta | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Mr. Sen has been unbelievable patient with my confusion in the professional workspace and extremely helpful in providing me with the relevant information and guiding the way forward. His unnerving postivity and faith has helped me through a really stressful time of doubting my own worth in a professional environment.

As for Lifepage, it is a brilliant initiative of Kapil Rawat and unlike anything I have seen before. A platform that talks about literally every possible professional stream and discipline through not only information but also through professionals who are successful in their fields. Each talk is about 30 mins on an average and talks about the pros, cons, a day in the life of and the skills required which makes it so much easier for any candidate any professional to choose a stream based on his/ her passions. Hats off to the team for this amazing platform and a big thank you to Mr. Sen!

LifePage Career Advisor

Megha Gupta | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 7 / 197 ]
School # 4 | College # 0 | Working # 3
Namita | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page is a career oriented as well life oriented site. When I started my career plan I was little sceptical but my advisor Mr Kapil not only clear my doubts but has given me a new vision towards career options. Lifepage has given me opportunity to explore different career options of my interest with guidance and assessments. Kapil sir not only help me to choose the career but also to deeply introspect why I am choosing it.

With the help of life page i can see all levels starting from initial to higher level. This page also give me a good vision about education / positives / challenges / skills. With the help of life page I am able to see within myself what is my strength and the area where I need to improve and how to improve. This is one site with complete career solution. I am so grateful to lifepage who given me complete direction and path towards my career. Thank you.

LifePage Career Advisor

Namita | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 8 / 197 ]
School # 4 | College # 0 | Working # 4
Mamta Sharma | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page is a higly innovative and revolutionary idea to help students choose the right Career Path. The app provides comprehensive information and deep insight into more than 940 career options to enable students decide on the right Career Choices. Think of a conventional field like Engineering, Medicine, Law, Design, Arts, Management, or a non-conventional career like Entrepreneurship, Startup, Consultancy, Digital Marketing and there you have detailed information from successful professionals in these arenas. Students not only benefit by exploring but it also motivates them to introspect and assess themselves.

Finally the personalized Career Plan is the real icing on the cake. It chalks out a complete career path and gives the right direction to assist and aid students accomplish their goals. I recommend it to every student !!!

LifePage Career Advisor

Mamta Sharma | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 9 / 197 ]
School # 4 | College # 0 | Working # 5
Anurag Bharaktiya | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life Page Career Plan concept is a need of the hour for student especially in a country like India.The Journey of Life page Career Plan was excellent. In this Journey of my career plan with life page it was a very different experience all together. Every process of making a career plan was really enjoyable and has an in depth learning process and systematic approach.

I shall recommend every student to go through this process of choosing his/her Career through Life Page extensive and detail career plan process to achieve success in his/her career. Lastly, shall like to convey to all aspiring students 'DON'T MISS THE BUS IN THIS COMPETITIVE WORLD WHERE EVERY SINGLE SECOND NEW CAREER IS EMERGING. JOIN LIFE PAGE CAREER PLAN AND EXPLORE YOUR SELF TO ACHIEVE SUCCESSFUL CAREER AHEAD.'

LifePage Career Advisor

Anurag Bharaktiya | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 10 / 197 ]
School # 4 | College # 1 | Working # 5
Inalla | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

LifePage is a great platform for building career plan. I am very fortunate to get a chance to have my career plan made through the thorough process of professional talks followed by self assessment. It helped to understand my ability and efficiency and gave a lot of information about different careers including diverse opportunities in these times. I was especially lucky to get Mrs.Jonaki Ghosh Thomas ma'am as an advisor.

She worked hard with me during explorations stage & has prepared a wonderful LifePage career plan for me. She always gave good ideas during discussion with great patience and cleared any doubts I had. I really don't know how to express my feelings and gratitude to ma'am. I thank LifePage again for giving me this chance.

LifePage Career Advisor

Inalla | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 11 / 197 ]
School # 5 | College # 1 | Working # 5
Arjun Singh Chauhan | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

The concept of Life Page is indeed is something that is worth investing your time in. Giving your life' s one week is going to this team is going to allow you to inculcate a opportunity to strengthen and straighten your professional life ahead. Not only they tell you how should you achieve your career goals but also they explain to you as to why should you do it....and this is something that I was looking forward to know the answer to from the past two years. I express my gratitude towards life page for clearing my future vision.... something that no one else could do for me. I also thank my councilor, maam Vishakha Bhagnani for providing unconditional support whenever I faced an obstacle or hindrance in deciding my carrer path.

LifePage Career Advisor

Arjun Singh Chauhan | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 12 / 197 ]
School # 5 | College # 1 | Working # 6
Harminder Mehndiratta | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page is undoubtedly a great way explore career's, irrespective of age, gender, background. One gets an access to mind blowing career options. It does take time and efforts but career is not something one can decide on a fancy notion, it actually compels a person to portray oneself in a career role, then decide if it is what you want to do for rest of life. The best part of the whole process for me was interaction and mentoring from the man himself, Mr Kapil Rawat who conceptualised the Lifepage concept and app. He is very knowledgeable, professional in his approach, was patient with my queries and addressed them with relevant suggestions and was approachable at all times. Highly recommend the app platform for one and all.

LifePage Career Advisor

Harminder Mehndiratta | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 13 / 197 ]
School # 5 | College # 1 | Working # 7
Sushma Verma | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page is one of its kind and completely unique portal which is destined to revolutionize how careers are chosen in India and how various creative and artistic pursuits are evaluated. In the long run, this would bring a radical shift in the professional composition in Indian society.

The broad spectrum of careers available on the platform is something which opens mental doors for students and parents showing them possibilities outside of the traditional narrow tunnel of few counted professions limiting the destiny of Indians and hence this platform allows the creative and other sides of individuals to be expressed and capitalized upon bringing inner satisfaction of matching one's true self to the pursuit.

LifePage Career Advisor

Sushma Verma | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 14 / 197 ]
School # 5 | College # 2 | Working # 7
Ruchika Agarwal | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Lifepage is an amazing app. I was there a week ago with no hopes on deciding upon a career when I accidentally came across this app. Thankfully I took a chance. It's not at all like the councillors I had attended to before. I got a chance to freely explore from 900+ career talks.

And also when I applied for a 7-day career plan, I got my personal councillor, to talk to. Mamta ma'am is great as a councillor. She helped me explore, gave me advices and moreover she very patiently dealt with me. She was very observant regarding my interests and hobbies. We talked over the call daily till I was finally able to set my mind on a goal. She continuously asked me if I was sure. I had a lot of learning with her.

LifePage Career Advisor

Ruchika Agarwal | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 15 / 197 ]
School # 5 | College # 2 | Working # 8
Madhubala Chaturvedi | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Lifepage is true to its name. You actually come alive to so many things besides career choices. It is amazing to see that this app does not bar the people will less percentages, less education , less understanding. The app is so motivating and exciting that you actually smile and say yes I can. In fact the qualities that you can imbibe while working with this app are extraordinary. Building skills,facing challenges and converting them into positive aspects is no mean feat.

Lifepage leads to make leaders who have confident communication and tons of patience. You discover things about yourself which you never knew existed. A very enjoyable exercise which provides monetary benefits as well. in all GREAT.

LifePage Career Advisor

Madhubala Chaturvedi | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 16 / 197 ]
School # 5 | College # 2 | Working # 9
Jonaki Ghosh Thomas | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

LifePage is an innovative cutting edge app backed up with vast amount of research and ingenious use of digital platform. Its huge potential lies in the simple way it can present different career information in painstaking details to any aspirant through a few simple clicks.

My mentor, Kapil Rawat, is amazingly well informed in break through contemporary careers along with the usual ones. Some of the talks he exposed me to added both knowledge & value to me even though I wouldn't choose them as my career. The process of making a 'Plan' is inventive and unconventional. Being in the coaching industry I look forward to using it as an effective tool with my future clients. Thanks Kapil & team. Well done!

LifePage Career Advisor

Jonaki Ghosh Thomas | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 17 / 197 ]
School # 6 | College # 2 | Working # 9
Vishal Singh | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Lifepage is an excellent platform to choose our career. It has a very supportive and Helpful Team of advisors who are very knowledgeable, wise, full of calmness and supportive attitude.

I was aimless, just thought to be that about which I even didn't knew. But then Under my Advisor cum Teacher Vishakha Ma'am I was able to Get 100% career clarity. It was her kind, patient and Helpful attitude and efforts of Lifepage team which englighten me and made me realize for what I was born. The process is also really very practical and awesome..we explore.. We learn and Discuss.

FEEDBACK would be to invest in MARKETING & ADVERTISING as so to let people be aware and get its benefit. THANK YOU LIFEPAGE.

LifePage Career Advisor

Vishal Singh | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 18 / 197 ]
School # 6 | College # 3 | Working # 9
Karanveer Singh | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Hi my name is Karanveer Singh, I was doing CA and I realised that it does not suit my life goals and passion. That’s when I realised how important and difficult a career choice could be, fortunately I saw lifepage and met Mr. Deepak Sharma, who not only helped me explore, realise and convincingly decide what I always wanted but also made this entire process easy for me.

Mr. Deepak sharma’s comprehensive real life experience really inspired me to become what I could be in my career and life. I’m also thankful to lifepage for providing such a wonderful platform for students community who are seeking to get real career advice from genuine career advisors.

I’ll always be thankful.

LifePage Career Advisor

Karanveer Singh | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 19 / 197 ]
School # 7 | College # 3 | Working # 9
Devika Sharma | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I found life page career counselling extremely helpful. My mind before was clouded before but now it is great to get a direction in life and it wouldn't have been possible without such a caring and encouraging counsellor. Mrs. Vishaka Bhagnani helped and supported me throughout the process. Ma'am makes made me feel very comfortable and made me think out of my comfort zone.

It is very important for a person to know what to do in life and Lifepage has helped me to get to know that. It allowed me to open my mind towards other careers as well. I'd be happy to recommend to Lifepage to each and every individual who need a smooth road towards their career path. Thank you Lifepage!

LifePage Career Advisor

Devika Sharma | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 20 / 197 ]
School # 8 | College # 3 | Working # 9
Prabhleen Kaur | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

The whole idea and concept of Life Page is unique and highly acknowledgeable. It enables and motivates individuals to form their own independent view and choose the best career for themselves. LifePage not only helped me to choose the right career for myself ,but also helped me to plan out the path which will eventually lead me to my goal. Moreover, I learnt a lot about the other career options which were earlier unknown to me, through LifePage Career Talks .

I’m really thankful to Team LifePage , especially Sir Kapil for guiding me throughout the whole process and finally making an appropriate career plan for me. Thank You ! Wishing Team LifePage lots of success & Luck!

LifePage Career Advisor

Prabhleen Kaur | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 21 / 197 ]
School # 8 | College # 3 | Working # 10
Punit Pandey | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Wow !!! Awesome experience of going through the process of Creating my Career Plan !!! Right from the onset of our interaction.

Kapil was like a friend who forced me to think and introspect . Discussions with Kapil after every career talk , was enlightening and insightful .

As an expert coach he navigated me through various talks. The concept of Dream Index is very reassuring and in our concluding discussion Kapil elucidated and explained in detail steps required for me to gain knowledge and skills to excel as a Life page Career Advisor !! Remarkable , Life changing experience ! Thank you Kapil and entire Life Page team for supporting me in creating my career plan.

LifePage Career Advisor

Punit Pandey | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 22 / 197 ]
School # 8 | College # 4 | Working # 10
Ayush Rawat | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

In every situation of one's life we all need an advisor just to advise the alternatives we have for decision making process so i was blessed with one. I was given the opportunity to explore LIFE PAGE as i was confused for my specialisation in MBA. Mam helped me solving this problem, she was there connected to me 24*7, she is very professional in her work from the very starting step listening to my problem till finalizing solution for me. Experience with life page was very good as the videos they have is very precise to the point and short . I thank you Dr Kshitiza Singh and Kapil Rawat for providing such an amazing platform this is an antidote for solving Career Problems.

LifePage Career Advisor

Ayush Rawat | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 23 / 197 ]
School # 9 | College # 4 | Working # 10
Shivshankar Nair | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page is a nice and relevant app for us youngsters who are trying to aspire to become something and make a mark on this world. I feel that the experience was smooth and there were quite a lot of options. The career advisors are quite supportive and understanding too. I will continue to use the lifepage app to really narrow down on a suitable career and make sure that I have no regrets later in life. The only thing that I felt was a little bad was the number of talks and discussions we could have with our career advisors (a little more than 5 would be good).

Overall it was a good experience and will surely recommend it to my fellow friends. Thank you life page.☺

LifePage Career Advisor

Shivshankar Nair | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 24 / 197 ]
School # 10 | College # 4 | Working # 10
Abhijeet Manoj Nair | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

The first thought of 'what do I do later' had existed for a long time, and many career tests were disappointing as most of them told me to take Social Science.

It was when I was in 12th I was introduced to LifePage. It had a lot of options I never even thought of or explored, and gave me the opportunity to discuss careers in interested in with a certified Counselor, instead of answering questions for an algorithm to decide. Mrs. Jonaki was truly helpful in helping me to decide topics, arrange timings for discussions and even to get me moving when I slowed down at the beginning. I'm thankful that I was introduced to this wonderful app!

LifePage Career Advisor

Abhijeet Manoj Nair | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 25 / 197 ]
School # 10 | College # 4 | Working # 11
Deshna Jain | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

My journey with lifepage was full of learnings. In this period I've seen myself getting exposed to career opportunities in diverse fields in which one could craft a career.

My mentor, Mr. Kiriti Sen, who is a very learned man, helped me analyze my aptitude, my strengths, and gave me practical advice to help me make an informed choice.
He was also very positive and motivating at each and every step.

After lifepage, I'm very confident and positive about myself that I'd do well in any career path I choose. I'd like to thank lifepage for this amazing platform and Mr. Kiriti Sen for his detailed guidance.

LifePage Career Advisor

Deshna Jain | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 26 / 197 ]
School # 11 | College # 4 | Working # 11
Aadil | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Thanks lifepage for helping me to get to know where my passion lies. Initially I was in confusion whether I have interest in physics or just a fascination to it due to documentaries and TV shows but now I am completely sure that artificial intelligence is the field where I will be connected to physics , computers and the life will not be monotonous It will be full of challenges and enthusiasm. During the session I was given talks to analyze after the session a full report is provided with proper plan to achieve your dream . You should give a try to life page and find where your passion lies thanks lifepage.

LifePage Career Advisor

Aadil | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 27 / 197 ]
School # 12 | College # 4 | Working # 11
Manav Bhatia | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

My ratings for life page is 4.5/5.

Thanks for Sakshi Mam and Pankaj Dikshit Sir for giving me a new direction in life. Life Page, as a platform, is excellent. People on this platform has a lot of patience and understanding. The communication skills of Pankaj Dikshit sir are like sky rockets ( 5 out of 5 ).

I will recommend this platform to others.

I just have a suggestion that the content can be improved and must be updated after a specific period of time. In the end, I just have gratitude for Life Page , Sakshi Mam and Pankaj Dikshit Sir. One day, I will provide a talk on this platform for sure.

LifePage Career Advisor

Manav Bhatia | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 28 / 197 ]
School # 13 | College # 4 | Working # 11
Suraj Sharma | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I think if a person want to achieve success in his life and by some problems he can't achieve it then 'lifepage' will a best platform for him, because it not teach us that how we have to get success rather it teach why we have to get success.

When I got advise from lifepage I understood that what is my real aim and why I want to get it. My career advicer was Mrs. Aliya Patel. I think she is a best adviser. She give me answer of my all questions that were troubling me. She helped me to decide my aim.

I think lifepage is very useful for every student who want to do something in his life.

LifePage Career Advisor

Suraj Sharma | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 29 / 197 ]
School # 13 | College # 5 | Working # 11
Raj Kumar Baiga | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I had been making mistakes by following random suggestions given by others. Somebody suggested me teaching and started doing B Ed then somebody said IAS so i started exploring it. But after going through systematic Lifepage Career Program and with the kind guidance / career counseling by Deepak Sir, I not only realized all this that i'm writing but also i've now convincingly chosen what i wanted from inside and i'm capable of also he made me so comfortable that i could discuss each and everything without hesitation.

Thanks to lifepage for making difference in my life.

LifePage Career Advisor

Raj Kumar Baiga | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 30 / 197 ]
School # 13 | College # 6 | Working # 11
Kashish | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Like most of the other students, I was quite confused about about my career path. I came across LifePage quite accidentally and it was a blessing for me. With more than 1000 talks related to every possible field, I got to explore various areas, getting to know the details about it and then with the help of my counsellor, working on the 'Why' behind those choices.
LifePage made me believe that whatever career choice I take, no matter how difficult, I can achieve it and excel in that field. It not only brought me the clarity but also the confidence to enter the field.

LifePage Career Advisor

Kashish | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 31 / 197 ]
School # 14 | College # 6 | Working # 11
Nani Reddy | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Lifepage is a revolutionary app, the first of its kind. I`m sure that very soon Lifepage is going to revolutionize career counselling with it`s very own and unique approach towards career assessment and planning. Initially I was a bit skeptical about its unconventional methodology. However, not only did lifepage`s Career Plan help me choose a perfect career but a personalized path to success in that career.

Thanks to my advisor (Gurpreet Kaur ma`am) and also to Kapil Rawat sir. I wish all the best to LifePage team, I`m happy to be a part of this journey.

LifePage Career Advisor

Nani Reddy | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 32 / 197 ]
School # 14 | College # 7 | Working # 11
Neelam Goswami | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

A person's life is based on the career and life page has provided this very important platform where one can prepare a roadmap for his bright career with the help of professional experts /counsellors. I am fortunate to have Mamta Sharma ma'am as my counsellor. Her amiable and cooperative nature helped me a lot to have a clarity of thought about my career. The plan provided by her will definitely help me to attain my objectives. I am grateful to life page for giving me this opportunity to have such amazing counsellor to interact with. Thank you.

LifePage Career Advisor

Neelam Goswami | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 33 / 197 ]
School # 14 | College # 7 | Working # 12
Eshan Narain | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

The process of career planning with LifePage has been exceptionally insightful. The method involves a guided introspective approach which has helped me in gaining immense clarity.

I am grateful for the guidance I received from Mr.Kiriti Sen. Sir is an extremely genuine person who has such an optimistic outlook towards life. He did not only assist me with my career plan but went beyond what is required of him and guided me with numerous things regarding life. His experience and his passion for helping people are evident through his engagement.

LifePage Career Advisor

Eshan Narain | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 34 / 197 ]
School # 15 | College # 7 | Working # 12
Mohd Amaan | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It was really an extraordinary experience. Lifepage is so helpful, they listen to all our queries and problems,and then gives proper solution to them.

My mentor was so helpful, I never felt like I am talking to a stranger person. She was polite,good listener, good explainer and tremendously knowledgeable. Life page cleared all my doubts and gave me a specially tailor made career plan for me.They removed all my stress of career selection and gave me proper guidance. I shall never forget my experience with lifepage. it is really worth it.

LifePage Career Advisor

Mohd Amaan | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 35 / 197 ]
School # 15 | College # 8 | Working # 12
Krutika Thakkur | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

My experience of LifePage has been very satisfying. At first I was very confused with what to further, things were not working out for me. Then I got admitted in my chosen course and everything worked out like a charm. My advisor has been very supportive and understanding.

I now have a clear idea of how and what to do to excel in my chosen path and how to be the best. I need to work smart which I will. I would like to thank the entire Lifepage team and also my sponsor. Kindly keep enlightening lives like this. Thank you!

LifePage Career Advisor

Krutika Thakkur | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 36 / 197 ]
School # 15 | College # 8 | Working # 13
Pankhuri Garg | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Lifepage is an amazing app which helps the student by giving detailed information about each and every profession. I don't think there is any other app which provides with such information. Lifepage provided me with a career advisor Pankaj sir, who helped and guided me throughout my career plan. Initially I was very confused about my career but now I am very clear and satisfied with my career choice. The career plan not only helped me decide my career but also gave relevant information on how I can excel in that profession.

LifePage Career Advisor

Pankhuri Garg | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 37 / 197 ]
School # 15 | College # 8 | Working # 14
Deepak Sharma | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

LifePage is a cradle abode of facilitation towards a progressive journey of success by helping individuals to find right career choices.

The entire process has been scientifically designed and developed with the help of the user friendly application to cater to individual career interest wherein one gets independent options to choose from a wide range of careers which has been further strongly backed by professional advisory system at each step. With best wishes to the life page team - keep up the good work.

LifePage Career Advisor

Deepak Sharma | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 38 / 197 ]
School # 16 | College # 8 | Working # 14
Chaithanyan B Prakash | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

LifePage is indeed a very useful app for kids (like me) who are stuck in life, without any idea of what to do in life. In fact, i always had vague ideas of Indian Administrative Service and wanted to become an IFS officer. LifePage helped me know more about IAS. It gives you knowledge at the very basic levels like they even talk about a day in an IAS officer's life through the videos by IAS officers. LifePage has given me enough stuff that all I have to do is to prepare and crack the Civil Service Exam.

LifePage Career Advisor

Chaithanyan B Prakash | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 39 / 197 ]
School # 16 | College # 8 | Working # 15
Aditi Mathur | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Career is the crucial part of anyone's life. Lifepage is an amazing platform which provide best career counselling. If a person is confused then possible ways to get the taste of each profession is by going through or talk/listen to people who are into that profession.

Before connecting with lifepage i was very confuse for my career choices but now i am fully satisfied by them. The mentor assign to me was Kiriti sir and i think he was very patient between the session and suggest best ideas.

LifePage Career Advisor

Aditi Mathur | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 40 / 197 ]
School # 16 | College # 8 | Working # 16
Venkatesh | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Many Career options available yet more if discovered and this process can be systematically implemented with the help of LifePage. The concept of LifePage can help many students who are not able to decide what exactly to do in their life considering their interests,goal in life,etc.

I would thank my advisor Vishakha ma'am for listening and guiding me in the best possible way. Also Thank you Kapil sir for giving us this opportunity to know ourselves better. Good Luck LifePage Team!

LifePage Career Advisor

Venkatesh | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 41 / 197 ]
School # 16 | College # 8 | Working # 17
Maricela Suarez Fuster | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I really enjoyed the experience. I must confess I was a bit skeptical about all the technology and structure behind it. Very soon, my skepticism turned to amusement and admiration for the team behind LifePage.

The process is so well structured and thought; it brings the best of the participant every step of the way. Being able to work with such a knowledgeable, open, and patient coach made the experience very enjoyable. I am very excited to be part of the LifePage team.

LifePage Career Advisor

Maricela Suarez Fuster | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 42 / 197 ]
School # 16 | College # 8 | Working # 18
Aliya Patel | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

As the name describes , life page’s amazing with lots of career talk for a student to explore ,an advisor is appointed for a student for discussion of the assessment done after each career talk ..and good amount of time investment from life page career advisors for the students .. so LifePage app and the service provided is creative, extra ordinary, supportive with lots of knowledge ,guidance and superb clearity while choosing a career pathway... Thanking you .

LifePage Career Advisor

Aliya Patel | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 43 / 197 ]
School # 16 | College # 8 | Working # 19
Heena Sharma | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Lifepage is an extremely helpful platform for those students who are seeking advise in their life.It has supportive and helpful team of advisors who are quite intelligent and having positive attitude.

I want to become a civil servant but before linkup with lifepage I hadn't much clarity about my career. But with the help of my advisor Madhubala Chaturvedi on lifepage I got 100% clear vision about my career. Now I am more certain and more confident. Thank you LIFEPAGE

LifePage Career Advisor

Heena Sharma | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 44 / 197 ]
School # 16 | College # 8 | Working # 20
Rehab Ali Elrefaei | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I think it is a great tool to know more about career choices the process helps to make a decision based on facts and awareness. The discussion with the advisor helps to pinpoint missing information or perspective to enhance making the right decision. when it comes to the plan, it is major step to clarify the actions needed to be done to reach the desired career. it is easy to understand and making it easy to relate everything together to be able to take immediate action.

LifePage Career Advisor

Rehab Ali Elrefaei | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 45 / 197 ]
School # 16 | College # 9 | Working # 20
Pinky Choudhary | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I am very thankful to lifepage for providing me such an amazing guidance. At first, I was very much confused about my career but now, I know what, why and how I will achieve my dream career. I enjoyed the whole process which provides the thorough knowledge about all aspects of a career in a systematic manner.

The lifepage advisor is also very helpful and helped me in exploring different careers according to my interest areas. Thank you lifepage for my career plan.

LifePage Career Advisor

Pinky Choudhary | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 46 / 197 ]
School # 16 | College # 10 | Working # 20
Akash Rawat | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

My experience in life page was amazing. This platform has given me opportunity to explore myself and helped me to choose a right career for my self that suits my capabilities and interests. Especially my mentor my advisor I got was always ready to help me out or any issue or any doubt she was very approachable whenever I wanted her and she is also correct me whenever I am wrong in this life page Thank You Mam.

I'm really very thankful to the team of Life page.

LifePage Career Advisor

Akash Rawat | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 47 / 197 ]
School # 16 | College # 10 | Working # 21
Sakshi Rawat | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Lifepage is a one of a kind platform. I was skeptical whether it would really be of any use to me but all my doubts were cleared when I began the process. My mentor Sushma has been a godsend. She has been of enormous help to me. She motivated me and made me believe in myself. Now I'm determined to achieve my goal at any cost. I'll always be indebted to her. The concept of Career Plan is revolutionary. You have to experience it to believe it. Thank you Lifepage!

LifePage Career Advisor

Sakshi Rawat | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 48 / 197 ]
School # 17 | College # 10 | Working # 21
Sanjay | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Thank you very much. I really appreciated your help with this decision. Your advice and guidance helped me think through my situation. Thank you! Thank you for your kind words.

I'm so grateful you're in my life! I’m so grateful for your suggestions and will take them to heart I found your advice very helpful and appreciate your time I don't know how I can show the fullness of my gratitude.

Thank you! thank for my advisor Mrs Madhubala Chaturvedi Ji.

LifePage Career Advisor

Sanjay | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 49 / 197 ]
School # 17 | College # 10 | Working # 22
Gaurav Dewan | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page is a brilliant career coaching tool. It follows a comprehensive process that highlights the various options that I can explore, deep dive into and find the ones that resonate with my ambitions and career aspirations. The career coach was very thorough and quite insightful in identifying my thought and he was able to address my concerns in a rational, logical manner. Overall a very high quality way to navigate the complex path of career choosing.

LifePage Career Advisor

Gaurav Dewan | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 50 / 197 ]
School # 18 | College # 10 | Working # 23
Ruchi Sharma | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page surely is a new ray of light for the one who feels lost in terms of making an important decision of choosing one’s career path. I clearly envision how Life page is going to revolutionalise the whole way of career coaching/counseling in the times to come. The future seems bright with such out of the box ideas and approach. ’My heartfelt thanks to team Life page for making this possible for all of us! May you shine bright always!

LifePage Career Advisor

Ruchi Sharma | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 51 / 197 ]
School # 19 | College # 10 | Working # 23
Pratapagiri Sai Varshith | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page is very useful service to help those who have ambiguities in their career choices. This has provided me with valuable advise and experience to aid me with professions I might have in the future.

I would recommend this to anyone who have a hard time choosing what profession they would like to take up this as a fantastic service. I had an enlightening experience.

LifePage Career Advisor

Pratapagiri Sai Varshith | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 52 / 197 ]
School # 19 | College # 11 | Working # 23
Muskan Aggarwal | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page is a platform where you can actually find and understand two things why you want to do something and next step what you want to do in your career and at the same time it helps you to find your interest and capabilities of your own. LifePage helps you to develop a great knowledge about various fields and then you can choose what you want to do in life and makes a beautiful career plan that will surely help you to achieve your goal.

LifePage Career Advisor

Muskan Aggarwal | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 53 / 197 ]
School # 20 | College # 11 | Working # 23
Yachana Gupta | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

My experience at lifepage was a nice and memorable one. It was a journey in which me and my counsellor (mamta mam) explored various carrier options and most importantly i explored myself. Before signing up in life page i was a lost soul searching for my destination but now having done my counselling i can proudly and confidently say, i have found myself and my destination too (i.e., law). Thanks life page and my counsellor (mamta mam).

LifePage Career Advisor

Yachana Gupta | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 54 / 197 ]
School # 20 | College # 12 | Working # 23
Ekta Rai | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page mentors are great guider who guide students for getting in right path of their carrier as per their ability...they taught us that we should follow the path which is actually suited according to our capability ..i feel very grateful to be in mentorship of deepak sir who suggest me many options and help me in picking a better career options so that i become a successful person in my area of interest. Thank you life page.

LifePage Career Advisor

Ekta Rai | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 55 / 197 ]
School # 20 | College # 13 | Working # 23
Ganesh | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life Page is the most revolutionary approach with highly reliable predictions. It has amazing counsellors especially Vishakha Bhagnani who is having knowledge of different psychometric assessments as well as knowledge of various fields. Everybody needs proper guidance in life and your guidance needs ends here. Get ready for an amazing career plan !!!! Life page is the one stop solution for all your career needs !!!

LifePage Career Advisor

Ganesh | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 56 / 197 ]
School # 20 | College # 14 | Working # 23
Neeraj Choudhary | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I had a great experience with Lifepage and my Advisor. This is a great platform where one can know about various field in which they are interested and can gather knowledge in any specific field. My Advisor Ms. Jonaki Thomas was so supportive, she helped me so much in all the steps while going through these videos. The information she provided me was knowledgeable and very helpful in choosing my field of interest.

LifePage Career Advisor

Neeraj Choudhary | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 57 / 197 ]
School # 20 | College # 15 | Working # 23
Monika Rawat | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

LifePage is great for helping to make career decisions. We can see many career talk videos which increase your understanding of different careers. Through LifePage, I was assigned a life coach, Mrs. Madhubala. She was a very good adviser. I understood many things from her about my career and what I can do in my life. I would recommend both life page and my career adviser to anyone trying to decide on a career path.

LifePage Career Advisor

Monika Rawat | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 58 / 197 ]
School # 20 | College # 16 | Working # 23
Jyotsana Priyadarshini | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I have best experience with life page. I learnt many thing through life page and it helped me lot to clear my views regarding my future. Its videos are very helpful and full of knowledge. In my view it is best career counselling page as my Advisor listened to me, gave me best advice and helped me a lot in choosing best field for my career. It cleared my all doubts and for this I am too much thankful to life page.

LifePage Career Advisor

Jyotsana Priyadarshini | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 59 / 197 ]
School # 20 | College # 16 | Working # 24
Padmawati Rajput | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It is an amazing platform which provides a comprehensive guidance to people who are looking for a career change and helps people find their passion. The advisor allotted to me, Mr. Kiriti Sen is an amazing mentor and guide and he genuinely wants to help people find their passion and reach their highest potential. I am very happy I found this app and the help it provided me in shaping my life more decisively.

LifePage Career Advisor

Padmawati Rajput | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 60 / 197 ]
School # 20 | College # 17 | Working # 24
Riya Garg | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Lifepage is such a platform that provides guidance fo students about their future goals. I think this is a very good initiative taken by Mr. Kapil Rawat and his team. I have interacted with Gurpreet Maam and I was very satisfied with her discussions and suggestions. I think this has given me a roadmap for my future. I will be more focussing on the my professional plan made here, on this Lifepage App.

LifePage Career Advisor

Riya Garg | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 61 / 197 ]
School # 21 | College # 17 | Working # 24
Divyansh Agarwal | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

My journey with life page was extremely overwhelming. I was guided with relevant informations which I had never come across in my life. I could finally choose a suitable career path for me which would bring me immense joy while pursuing this career.

I would finally like to thank my career advisor Mamta ma’am without whom I would have never reached this decision. She guided me just like a friend.

LifePage Career Advisor

Divyansh Agarwal | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 62 / 197 ]
School # 21 | College # 17 | Working # 25
Rushabh Kothari | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I like the process of identifying my career through watching videos and assessing myself w.r.t questions set by the speaker themselves. Creating the assesment matrix on my own comparing with the speaker's matrix, helped understand a lot about me and gave clarity to my thoughts. Also, the details of the Career Plan about what I need to do now to achieve my career are thorough with examples.

LifePage Career Advisor

Rushabh Kothari | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 63 / 197 ]
School # 22 | College # 17 | Working # 25
Krrish Kathuria | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

First of all, LifePage has been more like a friend that helps to learn in a very interactive manner. The application's user interface is very friendly.

My career advisor was very professional and experienced. She let me go on with it slowly and was always ready to clear my doubts. So yes, this has helped me a lot and has guided me towards - the profession, I've thought of all the time.

LifePage Career Advisor

Krrish Kathuria | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 64 / 197 ]
School # 22 | College # 18 | Working # 25
Ayushi Sharma | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

My experience with life page was amazing. This platform has given me a great opportunity to explore myself and helped me choose a right career plan for myself that suits my capabilities and interests. Especially the mentor I got was always ready whenever I had any issue or query she was easily approachable whenever I wanted her. I'm really very thankful to the whole team of Life Page.

LifePage Career Advisor

Ayushi Sharma | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 65 / 197 ]
School # 22 | College # 19 | Working # 25
Varun Gupta | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

My experience with life page was amazing. It has many videos on every subject which was excellent. It provides me the best advisor for my future plan and now i am clear that i am going to make my career in journalism. Overall experience was very good. At last i would like to thanks KRITI SEN sir who was very knowledgeable, very kind to me and understands me properly. Thankyou 🙏

LifePage Career Advisor

Varun Gupta | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 66 / 197 ]
School # 23 | College # 19 | Working # 25
Neha | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Before i got to know about the life page i was very confused and concerned about my career. But once i started with this lifepage career plan i got to know and explore many career options which was really helpful. And atlast i got my aim of life and full plan to reach there. My carrier advisor and whole lifepage team was really supportive. Thankyou gurpeet ma'am and lifepage.

LifePage Career Advisor

Neha | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 67 / 197 ]
School # 23 | College # 19 | Working # 26
Bhavna Chavda | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

The session with Mr. Kapil was pretty effective in helping me address my concerns and difficulties related to my career aspect. After the conversation, I learnt where I need to put more efforts. He is one of the best counsellors with Life page and a good command on his guidance delivery. I owe Mr. Kapil my special gratitude for the resourceful ways he told me to become better.

LifePage Career Advisor

Bhavna Chavda | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 68 / 197 ]
School # 23 | College # 19 | Working # 27
Vishakha Bhagnani | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I think LifePage is an amazing approach to career planning with absolute clarity to the candidate on the way forward. It not only helps one zero down on a suitable career but also provides a detailed and comprehensive path to reach that goal. Kapil was amazing as a facilitator and patiently helped me navigate many choices and offered practical advise at each step. Thank you!

LifePage Career Advisor

Vishakha Bhagnani | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 69 / 197 ]
School # 24 | College # 19 | Working # 27
Aryan Shenoy | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

LifePage helped me to display all my interests to a job I found very relatable in everyday life. It helped me to see why and how I needed tp pursue my career. My dream career was to work in sports and help people with it. So along with my courses I have chosen to take extra courses to get into a sports department. Over all I'm very satisfied with my experience with LifePage.

LifePage Career Advisor

Aryan Shenoy | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 70 / 197 ]
School # 25 | College # 19 | Working # 27
Mourya Mukka | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

LifePage has helped understand the various stages one has to go through, the steps they need to take, and the different aspects of the process. Through this process, I have received a lot of support from my Career Advisor, who gave me different suggestions based on my hobbies and interests. I would suggest LifePage Career Counselling for finding the right career to pursue.

LifePage Career Advisor

Mourya Mukka | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 71 / 197 ]
School # 26 | College # 19 | Working # 27
Medhansha Malepati | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page was to good understand various options possible and review for career planning by listening to the experts, I got to know details of the options However, all the talks were more on WHAT than WHY. It would be good if the talks also emphasize WHY as an option.

My advisor was approachable, encouraged me to explore new options and gave step wise guidance.

LifePage Career Advisor

Medhansha Malepati | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 72 / 197 ]
School # 26 | College # 19 | Working # 28
Puviarasi | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

LifePage is an amazing platform with a great team that is very much defined to help the students’ community and professionals as well, guiding them to make their perfect career choices and to attain mid-career progress as well.

Personally, I felt greatly motivated having my career plan discussed with Kapil Rawat and wishing the team the best in their endeavors!

LifePage Career Advisor

Puviarasi | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 73 / 197 ]
School # 26 | College # 19 | Working # 29
Dr Kshitiza Singh | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Thank you so much team life page for making my career plan at this point of time where I was looking to settle down with something that suits me best, my advisor gave me all opportunities to explore various career options but finally with lot of time n his patience we managed to zero what was best suited for me.

Special thanks to Kapil....keep up the good work.

LifePage Career Advisor

Dr Kshitiza Singh | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 74 / 197 ]
School # 26 | College # 20 | Working # 29
Khushi Chadha | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I had a good experience with LifePage. I like that it has 7 sessions with the counsellor and there are multiple stages to the process. One thing that I did not like was that a lot of focus was put on success and very less on interest or passion. My opinion is that as long as a person does not enjoy what he/she is doing, there is no use of this kind of success.

LifePage Career Advisor

Khushi Chadha | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 75 / 197 ]
School # 27 | College # 20 | Working # 29
Tuhina | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Honestly I would really like to recommend this app to all those who really want to pursue success in their life and those who truly wish to know what's good career choice for them. The app is so intelligently designed that it is truly approachable for students and advisors are really soft spoken and gave us good advises . Thank you so much LifePage..😊

LifePage Career Advisor

Tuhina | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 76 / 197 ]
School # 28 | College # 20 | Working # 29
Siddharth Nair | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I was very uncertain about what I was going to do after my 10th, but LifePage has helped me find a way to overcome that uncertainty and advance forward without any doubt about what to do with my future. I would suggest this to anyone who has trouble with deciding on what to pursue in the future. I hope that more people like me come across LifePage.

LifePage Career Advisor

Siddharth Nair | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 77 / 197 ]
School # 28 | College # 21 | Working # 29
Mayank Aggarwal | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life Page is a great help with its videos about different Careers. It helped me a lot to choose my Career between many Careers.

My Advisor Pankaj Sir is really good... He helped me a lot and guided me in a great manner to choose my career and gave me a lot of important knowledge about different careers and I am really thankful for his efforts.

LifePage Career Advisor

Mayank Aggarwal | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 78 / 197 ]
School # 28 | College # 22 | Working # 29
Satyam Chaudhary | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

What a great concept by Kapil Sir giving direction to youth who are just blindly following the trending career rather than pursuing what they really want to do.This platform provide you all the information you need to know about your interest and how you can turn that interest into profession I am thankful to life page for making my career plan.

LifePage Career Advisor

Satyam Chaudhary | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 79 / 197 ]
School # 29 | College # 22 | Working # 29
Ayush Kedia | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

LifePage is a great resource to help set people on their career path. I can say with certainty that with the help of advisor Mamta Sharma, my life path has been set and I have a much clearer idea about my future. I would be happily willing to recommend this program to my fellow batchmates and any others who require help regarding their career.

LifePage Career Advisor

Ayush Kedia | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 80 / 197 ]
School # 29 | College # 22 | Working # 30
Pooja Jain | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

My experience of Lifepage has very interesting, engaging and reflective conversations that help one understand their preferences, get clarity of thought and make informed decisions about their career. Helps you explore multiple careers, listen to professionals from the relevant industries about their journey and what it takes to be successful.

LifePage Career Advisor

Pooja Jain | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 81 / 197 ]
School # 29 | College # 23 | Working # 30
Nidhi Sikarwar | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I think life page is a great initiative and in the right direction. A lot of people need this and will find it extremely helpful, just as I did in exploring and evaluating my interests.

It will show you the right path and what all to do to excel in the field you want. The people working for this are really passionate and very helpful.

LifePage Career Advisor

Nidhi Sikarwar | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 82 / 197 ]
School # 29 | College # 24 | Working # 30
Mamata | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page is an great platform to know what career we have to choose. Now a days we get distracted by many career opportunities we get confused but this App helps me to find out what is my life's aim.

The Advisors and Vedios helps us to know what is what And the education of that career and positives and challenges. I love this app.

LifePage Career Advisor

Mamata | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 83 / 197 ]
School # 30 | College # 24 | Working # 30
Nouman | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It was an amazing experience with lifepage. Now I know what to do to make my career successful in future with the help of lifepage and I am really thankful to mamta maam for this help.

Before coming to lifepage I was not fully aware of cybersecurity but now lifepage made my mind to become a cybersecurity expert. THANK YOU LIFEPAGE.

LifePage Career Advisor

Nouman | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 84 / 197 ]
School # 31 | College # 24 | Working # 30
Shivani Singh | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

According to me this is an amazing plat form for those who are really confused about their career. Like I personally was confused in the beginning when I started using this app but now i am very much aware that what I have and to do in future this app is really helpful. Thank You so much for your help and hope it inspires other also.

LifePage Career Advisor

Shivani Singh | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 85 / 197 ]
School # 31 | College # 24 | Working # 31
Gurpreet Kaur | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Feeling so blessed & thankful to Almighty for giving me a vision to see life differently and decide a good career plan for myself through LifePage app. This was made possible by Mr Kapil Rawat (CEO LifePage) who is an eager beaver with undaunted spirit and highly motivating nature.

Thank you Sir! You and LifePage deserves the Best!!

LifePage Career Advisor

Gurpreet Kaur | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 86 / 197 ]
School # 32 | College # 24 | Working # 31
Agasthya Abhijitkumar Jadeja | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

LifePage offers a very helpful course for students who are ambiguous about what they are going to pick up as a career. With the app that helps a person explore, makes this a perfect reason to understand what you actually want to pursue as a career.

It was a fantastic experience for me as I explored things that I knew nothing about.

LifePage Career Advisor

Agasthya Abhijitkumar Jadeja | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 87 / 197 ]
School # 32 | College # 25 | Working # 31
Harsh Bhardwaj | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It is amazing platform to explore about the Career of one's choice and interest. It is unique and revolutionary idea to help peoples perusing the carrier of their interest. I am lucky that i was a part of their plan. Lifepage is doing a great work by guiding the students like me.

Thankyou lifepage to realise me my passion...

LifePage Career Advisor

Harsh Bhardwaj | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 88 / 197 ]
School # 33 | College # 25 | Working # 31
Garvit Singh | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

My experience with life page was really good and I feel that this was really helpful. With the help of my career advisor and lifepage the confusion of my future profession was cleared and I see way to become a successful technology sales specialist. My career advisor was with me at every step and it was a worthwhile experience.

LifePage Career Advisor

Garvit Singh | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 89 / 197 ]
School # 33 | College # 26 | Working # 31
Arpit A Jain | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It was a great experience to explore multiple career options that I had in my mind and by the end of the plan I was finally able to decide the career stream which suited me the best along with it the career plan that I received at the end of the whole process is like a career map that will help me out throughout initial stage.

LifePage Career Advisor

Arpit A Jain | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 90 / 197 ]
School # 34 | College # 26 | Working # 31
Abhishek Sharma | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

This app help me to take a deciding about my career plan. This app is too good for students who want to a carrer in a feild in which they are intersted and can listen talk of people who are successful after doing that course and they will all tell yu about eligibility for doing that course. You will never be miss guided.

LifePage Career Advisor

Abhishek Sharma | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 91 / 197 ]
School # 34 | College # 26 | Working # 32
Vikas | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

LifePage is a wonderful app for all those who wish to have a clarity on their best career path. A much needed option for both students and professionals alike. The one week career plan - is an amazing service that can be both introspective and transformative.

I wish LifePage a great success ahead. Keep up the good work.

LifePage Career Advisor

Vikas | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 92 / 197 ]
School # 34 | College # 27 | Working # 32
Ruchika Chauhan | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It's a very helpful app . It gives you plenty of career options to explore and help you to decide your career and then help you to make a plan to achieve your dream career. They also provide you a mentor with whom you discuss every point regarding the career videos you watch.
Lifepage gives you clarity about your career.

LifePage Career Advisor

Ruchika Chauhan | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 93 / 197 ]
School # 34 | College # 28 | Working # 32
Isha Singh | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It was a great experience during the session, my advisor and life page contributed a lot towards my focus and now i can proudly focus on my best. They help you in every aspect you can think and give you the best suggestions among all. And now m 100% sure and will always thanks life page and my career advisor Sushma mam.

LifePage Career Advisor

Isha Singh | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 94 / 197 ]
School # 35 | College # 28 | Working # 32
Narpala Srithareddy | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

LifePage was very helpful as it helped come out of the dilemma I had about my career. l thank LifePage for helping me choose a career option and also for letting me explore various career options. I also want to thank my advisors as they helped me through this journey of discovering what interests and suits me the most.

LifePage Career Advisor

Narpala Srithareddy | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 95 / 197 ]
School # 35 | College # 29 | Working # 32
Karthik R | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Lifepage has given me a opportunity to know about careers in different fields. And it help to choosing of right career to success and given a guidelines to how to work on it. Now I am clear with my career path and destination. Lifepage app is essential to out come from lack of knowledge and guidance on career choice.

LifePage Career Advisor

Karthik R | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 96 / 197 ]
School # 35 | College # 30 | Working # 32
Varnika Arora | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Lifepage is a platform where you can easily groom yourself. I appreciate the information and advice provided to me by my advisor as well as the connections she has shared with me.. Her expertise and help have been invaluable during this process. I sincerely appreciate the efforts .
Thank you Lifepage ! 😊😊

LifePage Career Advisor

Varnika Arora | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 97 / 197 ]
School # 35 | College # 30 | Working # 33
Veena Krishna | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It was such a great experience to explore so many career videos on the LifePage app. It was a great revelation to me when my advisor, after intensive discussions, video assessments, calculation of my dream index, came up with the right career choice for me. I am very grateful to LifePage for the time spent.

LifePage Career Advisor

Veena Krishna | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 98 / 197 ]
School # 35 | College # 31 | Working # 33
Ganesh | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page is the one stop app for all your career planning needs.

The counsellor Pankaj dixit who has vast experience in computer domain was able to bring clarity in my career. He is highly professional counsellor and I request the students to take advantage of such a resourceful asset 'Pankaj Dixit'.

LifePage Career Advisor

Ganesh | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 99 / 197 ]
School # 35 | College # 32 | Working # 33
Vrushali Mahindrakar | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Connecting to LifePage was an amazing experience. I got to know about different options for career and also what key factors are important to make progress. My advisor was very attentive and supportive. I would like to recommend this app to the people who want to get clear idea about their career path.

LifePage Career Advisor

Vrushali Mahindrakar | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 100 / 197 ]
School # 35 | College # 33 | Working # 33
Sunaina Chamoli | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It was extremely a good experience with life page. It's a great initiative to help students to find their career prospects. It helped me to choose a right career plan that fits my interests and skills . Thanks to my advisor she has been very supportive and understanding. Thanks to life page team.

LifePage Career Advisor

Sunaina Chamoli | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 101 / 197 ]
School # 36 | College # 33 | Working # 33
Adrika Sarkar | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I really liked the Life Page talks, it helped me learn why and how to get or achieve my goal of being a Veterinarian. It also helped me to understand every nuances for becoming a Veterinarian. Mamta Sharma, my advisor helped me to clarify my concerns or concepts of the talks that I was suggested.

LifePage Career Advisor

Adrika Sarkar | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 102 / 197 ]
School # 36 | College # 34 | Working # 33
Anshika Agarwal | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Currently I am pursuing MBA. My experience with life page was a turning point. Since, i am on the phase of choosing my subjects and related course majors, i was very confused. Life Page cleared the clouds of doubts for me. Also my advisor was very concerned and paid her due time diligently for me.

LifePage Career Advisor

Anshika Agarwal | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 103 / 197 ]
School # 36 | College # 35 | Working # 33
Saksham Mittal | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It was a nice experience with the life page. I really love that my mentor patiently listens to me every time and how she coped with me as I took more time in doing every task she gave me. Thanks for that. And everyone who is still finding difficultly in choosing there career must download this.

LifePage Career Advisor

Saksham Mittal | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 104 / 197 ]
School # 37 | College # 35 | Working # 33
Tejo Deepthi Kadiyala | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page is an app which provides us with a lot of career options that helps us in exploring several careers and decide a career we want to pursue with a relevant reason. It was very beneficial in exploring my interests and choosing a career of my interest and helped me out of my ambivalence.

LifePage Career Advisor

Tejo Deepthi Kadiyala | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 105 / 197 ]
School # 37 | College # 35 | Working # 34
Kiriti Sen | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Excellent initiative. Very relevant. Amazing leverage of technology. Absolutely suitable for millenials. It will revolutionize the Career Counselling for 9th and 10th students. I am very impressed by LifePage. Being in career coaching profession I can realise the disrupting impact of LifePage.

LifePage Career Advisor

Kiriti Sen | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 106 / 197 ]
School # 38 | College # 35 | Working # 34
Parvinder Singh | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

My experience with life page is very helpful, grateful to me which clears my doubts and show me a suitable way according to my situations and conditions. I am thankful to lifepage team. Advisor Aliya mam. And a person who built a helpful platform for us.

Thankyou so much Lifepage team😊

LifePage Career Advisor

Parvinder Singh | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 107 / 197 ]
School # 38 | College # 36 | Working # 34
Jasjot Kaur | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

When i joined Lifepage, i was unsure at my decision and thought that how can this help me. After talking to Mamta ma'am who was very patient throughout the plan and encouraged me to move forward, helped me to decide a career and pursue it. Overall experience with Lifeage was amazing.

LifePage Career Advisor

Jasjot Kaur | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 108 / 197 ]
School # 38 | College # 37 | Working # 34
Swarnima Aeri | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It is a great platform it allows the candidates to explore all the fields by watching videos where in the professionals tell us about their job experience and required skill set for that particular career. The career advisors are also really supportive and discuss the video thoroughly.

LifePage Career Advisor

Swarnima Aeri | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 109 / 197 ]
School # 39 | College # 37 | Working # 34
Sahitya Tiwari | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Lifepage is one of the best app I have ever came. Initially I was very confused about my career.It helped me a lot now I am clear about my life goal.Thanks to (Gurpreet kaur mam) and lifepage in choosing my career.I wish best of luck to whole team of lifepage for the future endeavors.

LifePage Career Advisor

Sahitya Tiwari | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 110 / 197 ]
School # 39 | College # 38 | Working # 34
Akshit Bisht | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I had great experience with life page, i was not sure what to do in finance and after watching different different videos then i came to conclusions that i sholud go for treasury management . Life page gives you a platform where you can see the reality of different different careers.

LifePage Career Advisor

Akshit Bisht | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 111 / 197 ]
School # 39 | College # 39 | Working # 34
Ravi Patel | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It is a amazing free career guidance center which helps to me by giving information about every profession. Lifepage provided a career advisor gurpreet kaur mam , who helps and guide to me a lot about my confused career. I thanks to lifepage and special thanx to gurpreet kaur mam.

LifePage Career Advisor

Ravi Patel | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 112 / 197 ]
School # 40 | College # 39 | Working # 34
Alyssa Tosawad | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

My experience with LifePage was very beneficial. I think it is a very nice platform that enables you to think openly about what you want to achieve in life, and helps you plan accordingly. Vishakha ma'am was very encouraging and she helped me make the right choices. Thank you!

LifePage Career Advisor

Alyssa Tosawad | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 113 / 197 ]
School # 40 | College # 40 | Working # 34
Rahul Mehta | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

LifePage is an great platform to know yourself as it is helping us with the professional career advisor who give their best to make us clear about life goals. The career advisors are very experienced and friendly which makes us more comfortable to share our life goals.

LifePage Career Advisor

Rahul Mehta | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 114 / 197 ]
School # 40 | College # 41 | Working # 34
Syed Khwaja Arbab Hasan | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It's been an amazing journey with life page as this platform has helped me to choose the right career path. Life page has vast career options apart from the conventional ones. And I would also like to thanks Mr. Deepak Sharma who has guided in choosing the right career.

LifePage Career Advisor

Syed Khwaja Arbab Hasan | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 115 / 197 ]
School # 41 | College # 41 | Working # 34
Pranjal Kharbanda | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

The Lifepage experience was really fabulous and enlightening. I actually cleared all my doubts regarding the career I want to pursue. Sometimes I couldn’t understand few things but Mamta mam helped me clear all my doubts. Overall my experience was really worth.

LifePage Career Advisor

Pranjal Kharbanda | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 116 / 197 ]
School # 42 | College # 41 | Working # 34
Erik Thomas | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

My experience with lifepage was great. I had no clue what would I do after 12 I just knew that I wanted to be a part of wild life and lifepage helped me with so many options and special my advisor Vishakha ma'am she helped me a lot and we both planned it together.

LifePage Career Advisor

Erik Thomas | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 117 / 197 ]
School # 42 | College # 42 | Working # 34
Bhavishya Tripathi | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page is a great platform to know one's interests and work in that particular. I got a lot of knowledge about the field that I want to pursue. The Advisor given to me was very supportive. She helped me a lot and I thank life page for giving me a clear vision.

LifePage Career Advisor

Bhavishya Tripathi | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 118 / 197 ]
School # 43 | College # 42 | Working # 34
Ashok | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page is really a interesting concept.

It helped me to introspect myself to understand what I actually want to do. Pankaj Sir helped me a lot and was always supportive and available. I will never regret this decision. This will help me for a life a time.

LifePage Career Advisor

Ashok | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 119 / 197 ]
School # 44 | College # 42 | Working # 34
Samrddhi Rajnikant | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I think that Life Page pointed me out to me, aspects of the profession that I want to pursue, that I would have otherwise ignored. The speakers were informed and my Career adviser was patient. It helped me in having more solid plans and ideas for my future.

LifePage Career Advisor

Samrddhi Rajnikant | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 120 / 197 ]
School # 44 | College # 43 | Working # 34
Mansi Bhatt | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I had a great discussion with my advisor.she is very helpful and taught me so many things. She is such a nice person. We had a very productive interactive session. Her way of telling is very different and good. I thank her to help me in career planning.

LifePage Career Advisor

Mansi Bhatt | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 121 / 197 ]
School # 44 | College # 43 | Working # 35
Kenrick Sherwin D’souza | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

LifePage gives you the opportunity to explore a career which would be best suited for an individual. It helps an individual understand the pros and cons of a particular career. One would be able to asses their interest for that particular on that basis.

LifePage Career Advisor

Kenrick Sherwin D’souza | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 122 / 197 ]
School # 44 | College # 44 | Working # 35
Nikita Goyal | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Lifepage helped me to decide my career and opportunities. I have listened to the experts and the way they shared their experiences is wonderful and the mentors are also very helpful for the field. Mentors also motivate students for their performance.

LifePage Career Advisor

Nikita Goyal | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 123 / 197 ]
School # 44 | College # 45 | Working # 35
Niti Joshi | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page remains a journey for me as it clear up the professional path of my life. I suggest all people who are not sure about their professional life plans should interact with life page and i m sure you'll watch yourself with bright future plan.

LifePage Career Advisor

Niti Joshi | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 124 / 197 ]
School # 45 | College # 45 | Working # 35
Luv Juyal | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It was a very fruitful and enriching experience for me at LifePage. I got to know about a lot of new things about careers and was even able to decide which one i’ll pursue. The advisors are very friendly and approachable. A great experience overall!

LifePage Career Advisor

Luv Juyal | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 125 / 197 ]
School # 45 | College # 46 | Working # 35
Ridam Awasthi | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Lifepage is exceptional in its own ways. It not only helped me discover myself but also cleared a lot of doubts. Hope students make the most of this app. Advisors are really very patient and polite, which makes easier for students to approach.

LifePage Career Advisor

Ridam Awasthi | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 126 / 197 ]
School # 45 | College # 47 | Working # 35
Rachit Verma | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It is very good app. With the help of if we are able to gain information about various careers and also test our success score in it. It is a very good tool for self introspection. With the help of our career plan we shape our future very well.

LifePage Career Advisor

Rachit Verma | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 127 / 197 ]
School # 46 | College # 47 | Working # 35
Neya | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I found life page really helpful, I explored different careers which let me come outside my comfort zone. It made me think about what I really want to do and provided me with a highly organized plan which has increased my level of confidence.

LifePage Career Advisor

Neya | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 128 / 197 ]
School # 46 | College # 48 | Working # 35
Punit Gupta | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I think Life page I a very great initiative because there are many students who did not get a proper direction towards their goals. And life page is a platform in which they can get inspired and get a proper direction towards their goal.

LifePage Career Advisor

Punit Gupta | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 129 / 197 ]
School # 47 | College # 48 | Working # 35
Shevanya | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Purviarasi maam helped me a lot and had clear all my doubts which i had with my career and yes life page videos have also helped me i thank you u both for giving me the opportunity to achieve great success in life in my choice of career.

LifePage Career Advisor

Shevanya | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 130 / 197 ]
School # 48 | College # 48 | Working # 35
Drushya. P | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

This app was really good and was beneficial in choosing my carrer. My advicer was cooperative and help me choose my plan. She was nice and responded all the time. The app should have more days not only just 30 days. This Is what I fell.

LifePage Career Advisor

Drushya. P | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 131 / 197 ]
School # 48 | College # 49 | Working # 35
Ayushi Pandey | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page is a wonderful page with the help of this I came to know about area of my choice and things needed to achieve your target. The speakers are very experienced in their respective fields and mentors are also very supportive.

LifePage Career Advisor

Ayushi Pandey | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 132 / 197 ]
School # 48 | College # 50 | Working # 35
Chintan Kamani | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

A neccesarry step for students who are lost. I would recommend every student out there lost to just give it a try, especially the 1 on 1 advisor they provide.

You never know how your life may change. Never keep any stone unturned.

LifePage Career Advisor

Chintan Kamani | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 133 / 197 ]
School # 48 | College # 51 | Working # 35
Rupa Bharti | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page is a wonderful App. When I choose MBA, I was not confident about specialization. This app helped me a lot to choose my career option. Their talks are too good. And Deepak Sir guided me very well. Thank you Lifepage.

LifePage Career Advisor

Rupa Bharti | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 134 / 197 ]
School # 49 | College # 51 | Working # 35
Lalith Keerthan | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I was a person who had never thought about my career before, and this really opened my eyes to whatever careers are out there.

I realized through this service that I need to think more about my future because it is MY future.

LifePage Career Advisor

Lalith Keerthan | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 135 / 197 ]
School # 50 | College # 51 | Working # 35
Aakash Thomas | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

The lifepage experience was extremely helpful and beneficial for me. It has helped me know more about not only the professions that I am interested in but also other professions. Overall it was an absolutely wonderful experience.

LifePage Career Advisor

Aakash Thomas | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 136 / 197 ]
School # 50 | College # 52 | Working # 35
Kriti | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page has been a great help in giving me clarity and confidence on what I can achieve! It has helped me develop a different outlook towards the field of Finance! It was a great experience! Excited about what lies ahead!

LifePage Career Advisor

Kriti | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 137 / 197 ]
School # 51 | College # 52 | Working # 35
Rashi Rawat | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Lifepage help me to choose right career and clear my confusion. I like the process of Lifepage. I also like my advisor, she motivated me to choose this career, which is best for me. I will recommend my friends for Lifepage.

LifePage Career Advisor

Rashi Rawat | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 138 / 197 ]
School # 52 | College # 52 | Working # 35
Neha Math | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

life page was in fact very helpful for me. It gave me a lot of clarity and approach. It was really fun exploring unique career options and interacting with my advisor. And most importantly, i found what i really want to do.

LifePage Career Advisor

Neha Math | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 139 / 197 ]
School # 53 | College # 52 | Working # 35
Suryansh Musunuru | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page is quite helpful as it gives you an idea of how the career that you wish to pursue will be. It has made me understand what I really want to do and I recommend lifepage to anyone who is doubtful about their future.

LifePage Career Advisor

Suryansh Musunuru | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 140 / 197 ]
School # 54 | College # 52 | Working # 35
Krish Patel | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

The app is nice. Made me understand everything they i couldn't understand, and the career advisors also helped me out a lot in understanding. I would highly recommend this to people who are confused about their careers.

LifePage Career Advisor

Krish Patel | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 141 / 197 ]
School # 54 | College # 53 | Working # 35
Rohit Kumar | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Lifepage helped me a lot to understand career in MBA finance ... it provide me direction, path which I should follow to complete my dream job ...I thank vishakha bhagnani mam for helping me in making my career plan.

LifePage Career Advisor

Rohit Kumar | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 142 / 197 ]
School # 55 | College # 53 | Working # 35
Kalimi Srrie Gouri | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page helped me choose my career in a very unique way. I really enjoyed watching the videos. Life page is really helpful to choose your career. I suggest life page for everyone who need guidance in their careers.

LifePage Career Advisor

Kalimi Srrie Gouri | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 143 / 197 ]
School # 56 | College # 53 | Working # 35
Khushi Malviya | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Lige page is really a good app . It really help me in choosing my career. I had learnt a lot of things from this. This app is really so amazing. It is better than searching on goggle about career. Best career guide.

LifePage Career Advisor

Khushi Malviya | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 144 / 197 ]
School # 57 | College # 53 | Working # 35
Ronak Devda | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Lifepage is very helpful to choose our career plan. Lifepage as been help to choose my career plan I had taken travel photography. Lifepage explained very well how to choose career plan.

Thanks you,Lifepage.

LifePage Career Advisor

Ronak Devda | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 145 / 197 ]
School # 57 | College # 54 | Working # 35
Rajat Sharma | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It's simply awesome Team LifePage will guide you that why should you walk on a road that is your career and will support you. Truly it is the best way possible. Advisors are highly professional and very helpful.

LifePage Career Advisor

Rajat Sharma | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 146 / 197 ]
School # 57 | College # 55 | Working # 35
Parveen | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Thankyou all faculty of lifepage to give me new direction in my life. This is a revolutionary platform which is going to be next level for future generations in India. Thanks a lot again. Thanks to my Advisor.

LifePage Career Advisor

Parveen | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 147 / 197 ]
School # 58 | College # 55 | Working # 35
Arshiya Narain | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

My experience with Vishakha ma’am was lovely. She really helped me gain perspective on my strengths and potentials in different fields of work.
All in all it was a very helpful and an enjoyable experience!

LifePage Career Advisor

Arshiya Narain | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 148 / 197 ]
School # 58 | College # 56 | Working # 35
Gauri Garg | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life Page was good! It helped me gained knowledge in many fields. It helped me choosing my career.

It made me understand the difference between personal and professional life. It was a good experience.

LifePage Career Advisor

Gauri Garg | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 149 / 197 ]
School # 58 | College # 56 | Working # 36
Rajat Malik | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

LifePage is a holistic process towards career planning further leading to a career choice. The App, is really user friendly, rich in content and the team is very helpful. I wish them all the best.

LifePage Career Advisor

Rajat Malik | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 150 / 197 ]
School # 59 | College # 56 | Working # 36
Palak Chaturvedi | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I am grateful to life page for helping me in making the most important decision of my life. It was indeed a great experience and with the help of life page now I am clear about my career in life.

LifePage Career Advisor

Palak Chaturvedi | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 151 / 197 ]
School # 59 | College # 57 | Working # 36
Kunal Jaiswal | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I find life page very helpful. It helps me in exploring and evaluating my interest. Deepak Sir is really passionate related to his work and helped me a lot. Thakyou for your advise and support.😊

LifePage Career Advisor

Kunal Jaiswal | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 152 / 197 ]
School # 60 | College # 57 | Working # 36
Rakshita Singh | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I really like the concept upon which Lifepage works and it has helped me gain clarity about my ideas. The procedure is really helpful and interactive which makes it extremely enjoyable as well.

LifePage Career Advisor

Rakshita Singh | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 153 / 197 ]
School # 60 | College # 58 | Working # 36
Mohit Mehra | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

A great platform to enhance and explore knowledge and to discover more about ownself. Help to explore many aspects and real life dimensions about professionalism and Career advancement.

LifePage Career Advisor

Mohit Mehra | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 154 / 197 ]
School # 61 | College # 58 | Working # 36
Ishan Shanavas | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I think LifePage is a very smart endeavor at securing a foundation for children's futures and mindsets about there careers. I learnt a lot and I'm glad I had this opportunity. Thank you

LifePage Career Advisor

Ishan Shanavas | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 155 / 197 ]
School # 62 | College # 58 | Working # 36
Utkarsh | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page has helped me learn a lot about what I want to be, why and how i can pursue my dream job. The Advisor was really nice and approachable, it was fun to learn and talk to ma'am.

LifePage Career Advisor

Utkarsh | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 156 / 197 ]
School # 63 | College # 58 | Working # 36
Leeza Thottan | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

My experience with life page was good. But the time within which my plan expired was very less. I think it would have been better if there was more time and more options to select from.

LifePage Career Advisor

Leeza Thottan | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 157 / 197 ]
School # 64 | College # 58 | Working # 36
Madhav Parappuveettil | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page really helped me find a career option that I wanted to do because before that I was walking around with no end goal. I am really satisfied with their help and resources.

LifePage Career Advisor

Madhav Parappuveettil | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 158 / 197 ]
School # 65 | College # 58 | Working # 36
Sheetal Panwar | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Lifepage is very helpful for those people who are confused about there career plan and guide them to the right path.and the counsler who help them to chose there career option.

LifePage Career Advisor

Sheetal Panwar | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 159 / 197 ]
School # 66 | College # 58 | Working # 36
Sushumna Uniyal | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Mamta ma'am is a very knowledgeable and an approachable person. She helped me make right choices for my career and was supportive was my decision and is a very good listener.

LifePage Career Advisor

Sushumna Uniyal | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 160 / 197 ]
School # 67 | College # 58 | Working # 36
Serena Mann | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I am so thankful for lifepage because it gave me direction and drive as to what I want to do in life as a career and of course my Advisor Vishakha Mam has helped me a lot .

LifePage Career Advisor

Serena Mann | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 161 / 197 ]
School # 67 | College # 59 | Working # 36
Mahak | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

A great initiative for helping students who are confused about their career. Helping students to find there interest. It's a great step taken for changing lives of students.

LifePage Career Advisor

Mahak | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 162 / 197 ]
School # 67 | College # 60 | Working # 36
Shruti Gupta | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It's a great initiative for the students looking for great career opportunities n it makes them well aware of all the qualities required in the career itself.

LifePage Career Advisor

Shruti Gupta | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 163 / 197 ]
School # 67 | College # 60 | Working # 37
Jainam | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page has given my life a new direction. It was a nice experience for me. With the help of life page somewhere in my life I got cleared with my ambition.

LifePage Career Advisor

Jainam | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 164 / 197 ]
School # 68 | College # 60 | Working # 37
Veer Shah | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

The experience of doing lifepage was excellent. By doing lifepage, I got the right career plan and efforts done by the lifepage team was fantastic. Thank YOU.

LifePage Career Advisor

Veer Shah | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 165 / 197 ]
School # 68 | College # 61 | Working # 37
Roopika Kahera | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

The experience with life page was very good and helpful for me to choose my career. My Advisor motivated me and gave relevant suggestions for my career plan.

LifePage Career Advisor

Roopika Kahera | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 166 / 197 ]
School # 69 | College # 61 | Working # 37
Anika Choudhary | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

LifePage helped me gain clarity in choosing a career and I am grateful for that. It even helped me eliminate career options that I thought I should pursue.

LifePage Career Advisor

Anika Choudhary | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 167 / 197 ]
School # 70 | College # 61 | Working # 37
Vansh Gandhi | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It was a great experience. It really helped me in getting my future career plans right and showed me what to focus in order to achieve my career goals.

LifePage Career Advisor

Vansh Gandhi | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 168 / 197 ]
School # 71 | College # 61 | Working # 37
Saurav Rathore | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Lifepage has been very helpful in deciding my career. I have decided to pursue Painting. It was an enjoyable experience for me. Thank You Lifepage....

LifePage Career Advisor

Saurav Rathore | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 169 / 197 ]
School # 72 | College # 61 | Working # 37
Sriniket Bandaru | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It was a good self introspectiing journey and the end result was fruitful. I am grateful to lifepage for helping and guiding me to find my career.

LifePage Career Advisor

Sriniket Bandaru | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 170 / 197 ]
School # 72 | College # 62 | Working # 37
Nishi Madeshia | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I had a great experience with lifepage as this is the place where i learnt various things about HR and now I am very much clear about my goal.

LifePage Career Advisor

Nishi Madeshia | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 171 / 197 ]
School # 73 | College # 62 | Working # 37
Dhruv Prajapati | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page provides us a way to work towards our future plans and their Advisors help us to choose a better decision towards our success.

LifePage Career Advisor

Dhruv Prajapati | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 172 / 197 ]
School # 73 | College # 63 | Working # 37
Priyanka Nagarkoti | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It is very amazing way to help a student to make his/her career plan. From the videos a person can learn more about a particular career.

LifePage Career Advisor

Priyanka Nagarkoti | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 173 / 197 ]
School # 74 | College # 63 | Working # 37
Jyas Trivedi | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Its a student-friendly app and describes different careers in many different ways which helps students to think about their career.

LifePage Career Advisor

Jyas Trivedi | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 174 / 197 ]
School # 74 | College # 64 | Working # 37
Varun Kawan | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It was a great experience with life page.. it enhanced my inner skills m very glad that m part of it.. thanks so much life page.

LifePage Career Advisor

Varun Kawan | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 175 / 197 ]
School # 75 | College # 64 | Working # 37
Ishita Bartwal | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

LifePage is the best and easy way to seek career advice! I found your advice very helpful and appreciate your time! Thank you!💞

LifePage Career Advisor

Ishita Bartwal | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 176 / 197 ]
School # 76 | College # 64 | Working # 37
Kk Abimanyu | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

I helped me a lot with my career decision as it was supposed to. I will recommend this to people who require career decision.

LifePage Career Advisor

Kk Abimanyu | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 177 / 197 ]
School # 76 | College # 65 | Working # 37
Saranga Jain | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page is a revolutionary app. It helps me to find out best career from different options with the help of my advisor.

LifePage Career Advisor

Saranga Jain | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 178 / 197 ]
School # 77 | College # 65 | Working # 37
Chetan Shukla | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Was pretty good experience with life page, working in with the team, they were supportive and understanding.

LifePage Career Advisor

Chetan Shukla | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 179 / 197 ]
School # 78 | College # 65 | Working # 37
B.sri Vaishnavi | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page was good and helpful. In the start I didn't get the hang of it but later on I understood.

LifePage Career Advisor

B.sri Vaishnavi | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 180 / 197 ]
School # 78 | College # 65 | Working # 38
Amir Faghfoory | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Fantastic and very systems-based! Thanks Kapil! We look forward to sharing the good news with you!

LifePage Career Advisor

Amir Faghfoory | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 181 / 197 ]
School # 79 | College # 65 | Working # 38
Sanjay Sharma | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It gives me best way of pursuing your career. I am thankful to the lifepage giving good vision.

LifePage Career Advisor

Sanjay Sharma | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 182 / 197 ]
School # 79 | College # 66 | Working # 38
Sumit Mahar | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It was a good experience listening to some professionals on app, and with mentor provided to me.

LifePage Career Advisor

Sumit Mahar | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 183 / 197 ]
School # 80 | College # 66 | Working # 38
Anish Khushwaha | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It is very helpful. Now I am not confused about my career. I am confident and Ready...... 🙂

LifePage Career Advisor

Anish Khushwaha | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 184 / 197 ]
School # 80 | College # 67 | Working # 38
Abid Hasan | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It's an amazing platform to explore true career path with highly experienced counselors.

LifePage Career Advisor

Abid Hasan | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 185 / 197 ]
School # 80 | College # 68 | Working # 38
Moni Rajput | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life page is very good. It providing me a lot of knowledge and also nice experience..

LifePage Career Advisor

Moni Rajput | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 186 / 197 ]
School # 80 | College # 69 | Working # 38
Vipasha Sharma | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It is helpful in solving problems and confusion people have regarding their career.

LifePage Career Advisor

Vipasha Sharma | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 187 / 197 ]
School # 80 | College # 70 | Working # 38
Shirin Bansal | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It was nice. I got to learn new things about the career I would like to pursue.

LifePage Career Advisor

Shirin Bansal | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 188 / 197 ]
School # 81 | College # 70 | Working # 38
Omar Ahmed | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It was a good experience. I had fun checking through different professions.

LifePage Career Advisor

Omar Ahmed | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 189 / 197 ]
School # 81 | College # 71 | Working # 38
Urmila Pipaliya | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It was a good experience and I came to know about many new things.

LifePage Career Advisor

Urmila Pipaliya | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 190 / 197 ]
School # 81 | College # 71 | Working # 39
Priyam Awasthi | Working Professional Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Lifepage is interesting app to get the real motive and zeal.

LifePage Career Advisor

Priyam Awasthi | Working Professional Testimonial

[ Testimonial 191 / 197 ]
School # 81 | College # 72 | Working # 39
Shobhit Arora | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

Life Page is a good platform for making a Career Plan.

LifePage Career Advisor

Shobhit Arora | College Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 192 / 197 ]
School # 82 | College # 72 | Working # 39
Aditya Y | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

It's a best site for career counselling.

LifePage Career Advisor

Aditya Y | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 193 / 197 ]
School # 83 | College # 72 | Working # 39
Aryan Srivastav | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

LifePage Career Advisor

Aryan Srivastav | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 194 / 197 ]
School # 84 | College # 72 | Working # 39
Krati Jhamar | School Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

LifePage Career Advisor

Krati Jhamar | School Student Testimonial

[ Testimonial 195 / 197 ]
School # 84 | College # 73 | Working # 39
Sagar Sethi | College Student Testimonial | LifePage Career Plan

LifePage Career Advisor

Sagar Sethi | College Student Testimonial



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