Cafe Management
Kimberley Arora | Co-Founder | Cafe CiboWhat is Cafe Management?
You may be curious about a Career in Cafe Management. Internet is brimming with pages on How to get into Cafe Management, while one should first understand What is a Career in Cafe Management. It is best to learn about Cafe Management from a real professional, this is akin to getting it from the horse's mouth.
Co-Founder Kimberley Arora is an experienced professional with 5 years & 2 months in Cafe Management. According to Co-Founder Kimberley Arora, Cafe Management is:
Cafe Management involves planning, running and overseeing the activities of businesses that sell and serve food and beverages to the public. The managers hire, train and supervise staff, organise budgets, plan menus with cooks or chefs, supervise the purchase and storage of food, make and maintain financial records, and coordinate the activities of the kitchen, dining room and bar.
How Co-Founder Kimberley Arora got into Cafe Management?
I have done BA in English Honours from St Stephens, Delhi University. After my graduation, I got married and shifted to Dehradun and started Cafe Cibo with my husband in 2014.
Co-Founder Kimberley Arora's Talk on Cafe Management |
Starts with what is: | |
1) | Cafe Management |
Next, it covers Education. It was a welcome change to see the Talk touch upon Education as theoretical knowledge needed to excel at Cafe Management, and not merely as Qualifications needed to enter Cafe Management. It details these topics within Education for Cafe Management: | |
2) | Culinary Knowledge |
3) | Market Research |
4) | Management |
5) | Human Behaviour |
Then, the Talk focuses on the most important component that is Skills. Anyone aspiring for Cafe Management needs to understand that Skill development is crucial for success. It defines Skills in terms of following items for Cafe Management: | |
6) | Eye for Good Interiors |
7) | Cooking Skills |
8) | Patience |
9) | Discipline |
10) | Communication Skills |
11) | Leadership |
Positives of Cafe Management motivate one to work hard for the same. These are the Positives of Cafe Management: | |
12) | Meeting People |
13) | Learning New Things |
14) | Laid Back Job |
15) | Monetary Potential |
It is important that one develops a fair understanding of the Challenges of Cafe Management: | |
16) | Staff Retention |
17) | Quality Control |
18) | Competition |
19) | No Social Life |
20) | No Holidays |
In the final section of the Talk, Kimberley Arora talks about How a day goes in a Career in: | |
21) | Cafe Management |
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According to Kimberley Arora your chances of success in Cafe Management is __%
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How to get into
Cafe Management?
If you are want to get into Cafe Management, start by investing in a Career Plan.
The 14 hour process, guided by a LifePage Career Advisor, will help you introspect and check whether your interest in Cafe Management is merely an infatuation or is it truly something you wish to do for the rest of your life.
Next, your Career Advisor will help you document how you can get into Cafe Management, what education and skills you need to succeed in Cafe Management, and what positives and challenges you will face in Cafe Management.
Finally, you will get a Career Plan stating which Courses, Certifications, Trainings and other Items you need to do in the next 7 years to become world’s best in Cafe Management.
LifePage Career Plan
14 hour personalized guidance program
Your LifePage Career Advisor facilitates your guided introspection so that you systematically explore various Career options to arrive at a well thought out Career choice.
Next: your Advisor helps you figure out how you will get into your chosen Career and how will you develop the skills needed for success in your Chosen Career.
LifePage Plan will not stop at saying "to become an Architect study Architecture". It will guide you on which Certifications, Trainings and Other items you need to do along with your Architecture education to become the world's best Architect.
Links for this Talk
LifePage Career Talk on Cafe Management
[Full Talk]
(Cafe Management, Kimberley Arora, Cafe Cibo, Co-Founder, Fine Dining, Owner, Entrepreneur, Management, Cafe Restaurant Busines)
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