License Compliance
Gaurav Shankar | Director - License Compliance | Siemens Industry Software Pvt LtdWhat is License Compliance?
A Career in License Compliance is very intriguing. Understanding Why one wants to choose a Career in License Compliance is phenomenally more important than figuring out How to get into License Compliance. It is best to learn about License Compliance from a real professional, this is akin to getting it from the horse's mouth.
With 13 years of professional experience, Director - License Compliance Gaurav Shankar understands License Compliance. Here is how Director - License Compliance Gaurav Shankar detailed License Compliance:
Doing business in the most ethical way for the any organization is very important. Compliance is a very integral part of any organization, be it in the field of HR, Sales and how you are doing the business.
How Director - License Compliance Gaurav Shankar got into License Compliance?
After completing B Com, I did MBA in IT and Systems from ICFAI. I have over 13 years of experience working in the field of License Compliance.
Director - License Compliance Gaurav Shankar's Talk on License Compliance |
Starts with what is: | |
1) | License Compliances |
Next, it covers Education. This Talk is unique because it talks about Education in terms of things which can be learnt from books, to excel at a Career in License Compliance and not as a list of Qualifications, which one needs to get into License Compliance. It discusses following headings for Education in License Compliance: | |
2) | Law/IT Act/Copyright |
3) | Sales |
4) | Management |
5) | Information Technology |
6) | Software Asset Management |
Then, the Talk focuses on the most important component that is Skills. 90% success in License Compliance depends on Skills. It is crucial to understand these. It defines Skills in terms of following items for License Compliance: | |
7) | Negotiation |
8) | Communication |
9) | People Management |
10) | Due Diligence |
11) | Controlled Aggression |
Positives of License Compliance are quite interesting. This Talk explains these Positives of License Compliance: | |
12) | Adreline Rush |
13) | Sought After Individuals |
14) | Shorter Sales Cycles |
15) | Travel |
16) | Global Function |
17) | Networking |
It is important that one develops a fair understanding of the Challenges of License Compliance: | |
18) | Specialist Progression |
19) | Legal Actions |
20) | Emotional Drain |
21) | Maturity of Legal Framework |
In the final section of the Talk, Gaurav Shankar talks about How a day goes in a Career in: | |
22) | License Compliances |
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How to get into
License Compliance?
If you are want to get into License Compliance, start by investing in a Career Plan.
The 14 hour process, guided by a LifePage Career Advisor, will help you introspect and check whether your interest in License Compliance is merely an infatuation or is it truly something you wish to do for the rest of your life.
Next, your Career Advisor will help you document how you can get into License Compliance, what education and skills you need to succeed in License Compliance, and what positives and challenges you will face in License Compliance.
Finally, you will get a Career Plan stating which Courses, Certifications, Trainings and other Items you need to do in the next 7 years to become world’s best in License Compliance.
LifePage Career Plan
14 hour personalized guidance program
Your LifePage Career Advisor facilitates your guided introspection so that you systematically explore various Career options to arrive at a well thought out Career choice.
Next: your Advisor helps you figure out how you will get into your chosen Career and how will you develop the skills needed for success in your Chosen Career.
LifePage Plan will not stop at saying "to become an Architect study Architecture". It will guide you on which Certifications, Trainings and Other items you need to do along with your Architecture education to become the world's best Architect.
Links for this Talk
Director - License Compliance Gaurav Shankar's LifePage:
LifePage Career Talk on License Compliance
[Full Talk]
(License Compliance, Gaurav Shankar, Director - License Compliance, Siemens Industry Software Pvt, Ltd, Audit, Software Asset, Software Compliance Audit, Code Audits)
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