Technical Operations Mgmt
Nitin Chandola | Co-founder | Sunfox Technologies Pvt LtdWhat is Technical Operations Mgmt?
You may be curious about a Career in Technical Operations Mgmt. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find information about What Technical Operations Mgmt actually is. Most pages on the internet just talk about How to get into Technical Operations Mgmt. While anyone can have an opinion on what Technical Operations Mgmt entails; only a real professional can really explain it.
Co-founder Nitin Chandola has worked in Technical Operations Mgmt for 2 years & 7 months. Co-founder Nitin Chandola defines Technical Operations Mgmt as:
Technical operations management is the technical department of an organization. In this individuals are responsible for planning, coordinating, and executing organizational technical processes from start to finish.
How Co-founder Nitin Chandola got into Technical Operations Mgmt?
After completing my education, I started working with GEU Motorsports as a Vehicle Dynamic Engineer for one year. In 2017, I Co-founded the Sunfox Technologies Pvt Ltd and I handle Technical Operations.
Co-founder Nitin Chandola's Talk on Technical Operations Mgmt |
Starts with what is: | |
1) | Technical Operations Management |
Next, it covers Education. It was a welcome change to see the Talk touch upon Education as theoretical knowledge needed to excel at Technical Operations Mgmt, and not merely as Qualifications needed to enter Technical Operations Mgmt. It defines Education in terms of following items for Technical Operations Mgmt: | |
2) | Bio-Medical Instrumentation |
3) | Data Science |
4) | Machine Learning |
5) | Total Quality Management |
6) | Data Structures |
7) | Computer Languages |
8) | Algorithms |
9) | Mechanical Based Software |
Then, the Talk focuses on the most important component that is Skills. Skills are the most important factor determining success in a Technical Operations Mgmt. Here is a list of Skills required for Technical Operations Mgmt: | |
10) | Interpersonal Skills |
11) | Leadership Skills |
12) | Communication Skills |
13) | Marketing & Sales Skills |
14) | Business Intelligence |
15) | Testing & Debugging |
It is important to get an understanding of the Positives of Technical Operations Mgmt. The Talk discusses following Positives of Technical Operations Mgmt: | |
16) | Dynamic Growth |
17) | Networking |
18) | Skill Updating |
19) | Credits & Assets |
After a discussion on Positives, Challenges complete the caricature of Technical Operations Mgmt: | |
20) | Market Monitoring |
21) | Market Monitor |
22) | Meeting Deadlines |
23) | Balancing Tech & Management Roles |
24) | Quality Control |
In the final section of the Talk, Nitin Chandola talks about How a day goes in a Career in: | |
25) | Technical Operations Management |
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How to get into
Technical Operations Mgmt?
If you are want to get into Technical Operations Mgmt, start by investing in a Career Plan.
The 14 hour process, guided by a LifePage Career Advisor, will help you introspect and check whether your interest in Technical Operations Mgmt is merely an infatuation or is it truly something you wish to do for the rest of your life.
Next, your Career Advisor will help you document how you can get into Technical Operations Mgmt, what education and skills you need to succeed in Technical Operations Mgmt, and what positives and challenges you will face in Technical Operations Mgmt.
Finally, you will get a Career Plan stating which Courses, Certifications, Trainings and other Items you need to do in the next 7 years to become world’s best in Technical Operations Mgmt.
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LifePage Plan will not stop at saying "to become an Architect study Architecture". It will guide you on which Certifications, Trainings and Other items you need to do along with your Architecture education to become the world's best Architect.
Links for this Talk
LifePage Career Talk on Technical Operations Mgmt
[Full Talk]
(Nitin Chandola, Technical Operations Management, Entreprenuer, Sunfox, Technical Lead, Operations, Management, Business, Startup, Manager)
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