Real Estate Consulting
Kapil Dev Sharma | Vice President Sales & Marketing | Satya Developers Private LimitedWhat is Real Estate Consulting?
You may be curious about a Career in Real Estate Consulting. Understanding Why one wants to choose a Career in Real Estate Consulting is phenomenally more important than figuring out How to get into Real Estate Consulting. The most authoritative source of information on Real Estate Consulting is someone with real experience in it.
With 17 years & 8 months of professional experience, Vice President Sales & Marketing Kapil Dev Sharma understands Real Estate Consulting. Vice President Sales & Marketing Kapil Dev Sharma defines Real Estate Consulting as:
Real estate consulting or a consultancy firm is a business of one or more expert professionals who provide expert advice in a particular area. A real estate consultant is a unique role involved in the process of purchasing or selling properties. consultants are optional for clients; however, you can provide clients with value-added services, including asset management, market analysis, modeling and lease management.
How Vice President Sales & Marketing Kapil Dev Sharma got into Real Estate Consulting?
After doing my schooling from Air Force School, Agra. I did BBA from Agra University and soon after I pursued MBA in Marketing & Sales from IIM, Kolkata. I have done various diploma & certifications in real estate as well as sales, marketing and communications. I have worked with many companies named Spaze Towers Private Limited, Orries Infrastructure Private Limited and Vatika Group, Gurugram for more than a decade. I was responsible for driving sales for Residential & Commercial Sales.I have got an expertise in Team Training & Development, Setting up Sales process, Planning and Execution of Business Ideas to generate Revenue for the Group, Cultivating existing and motivating new Channel Partners to promote the Company's projects, Extensive Marketing Planning keeping in mind the Company's Brand Image, Maintaining Inter & Intra Department Coordination for the smooth functioning of Sales Department, Delegation of responsibility and seeking accountability from the team on various aspects of operations in the Sales, Managing day to day complexities and handling Broker Grievances if any. Since 2016 I have been working as a Vice President Sales & Marketing for Satya Developers Private Limited (Satya Group), Gurugram.
Vice President Sales & Marketing Kapil Dev Sharma's Talk on Real Estate Consulting |
Starts with what is: | |
1) | Real Estate Consulting |
Next, it covers Education. It was a welcome change to see the Talk touch upon Education as theoretical knowledge needed to excel at Real Estate Consulting, and not merely as Qualifications needed to enter Real Estate Consulting. It discusses following headings for Education in Real Estate Consulting: | |
2) | RERA |
3) | Mathematics |
4) | Market Research |
5) | Target Audience |
6) | CRM |
Then, the Talk focuses on the most important component that is Skills. Real Estate Consulting demands specific Skills which only an experienced professional can lay out. It explains Skills needed in Real Estate Consulting with these items: | |
7) | Analytical Skills |
8) | Communication Skills |
9) | Client Engamaent |
10) | Negotiating Skills |
11) | Decision Making |
Positives of Real Estate Consulting motivate one to work hard for the same. This Talk explains these Positives of Real Estate Consulting: | |
12) | Monetary Benefits |
13) | Growth |
14) | Work Life balance |
15) | Networking |
After a discussion on Positives, Challenges complete the caricature of Real Estate Consulting: | |
16) | Demand & Supply |
17) | Govt Policies |
18) | Competition |
In the final section of the Talk, Kapil Dev Sharma talks about How a day goes in a Career in: | |
19) | Real Estate Consulting |
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How to get into
Real Estate Consulting?
If you are want to get into Real Estate Consulting, start by investing in a Career Plan.
The 14 hour process, guided by a LifePage Career Advisor, will help you introspect and check whether your interest in Real Estate Consulting is merely an infatuation or is it truly something you wish to do for the rest of your life.
Next, your Career Advisor will help you document how you can get into Real Estate Consulting, what education and skills you need to succeed in Real Estate Consulting, and what positives and challenges you will face in Real Estate Consulting.
Finally, you will get a Career Plan stating which Courses, Certifications, Trainings and other Items you need to do in the next 7 years to become world’s best in Real Estate Consulting.
LifePage Career Plan
14 hour personalized guidance program
Your LifePage Career Advisor facilitates your guided introspection so that you systematically explore various Career options to arrive at a well thought out Career choice.
Next: your Advisor helps you figure out how you will get into your chosen Career and how will you develop the skills needed for success in your Chosen Career.
LifePage Plan will not stop at saying "to become an Architect study Architecture". It will guide you on which Certifications, Trainings and Other items you need to do along with your Architecture education to become the world's best Architect.
Links for this Talk
Vice President Sales & Marketing Kapil Dev Sharma's LifePage:
LifePage Career Talk on Real Estate Consulting
[Full Talk]
(Real Estate Consulting, Kapil Dev Sharma, Satya Developers, Consultant, Real Estate, RERA Certificate, Sales & Marketing)
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